Measuring the microscopic with Sisi Zhou | Meet the Explorers

Measuring the microscopic with Sisi Zhou | Meet the Explorers

We are Explorers | Theoretical physics will define our future

We are Explorers | Theoretical physics will define our future

Neil Turok on the simplicity of nature

Neil Turok on the simplicity of nature

Physicist's Playbook to Time Management | For all types of work

Physicist's Playbook to Time Management | For all types of work

Why we have not discovered dark matter: A theorist’s apology

Why we have not discovered dark matter: A theorist’s apology

Francesca Vidotto on questions of being and becoming | Conversations at the Perimeter

Francesca Vidotto on questions of being and becoming | Conversations at the Perimeter

Conversations on Artificial Intelligence: Should It Be Trusted? | Public Lecture

Conversations on Artificial Intelligence: Should It Be Trusted? | Public Lecture

Sir Anthony Leggett on science, superfluidity, and serendipity

Sir Anthony Leggett on science, superfluidity, and serendipity

Secrets of the Universe: Neil Turok Public Lecture

Secrets of the Universe: Neil Turok Public Lecture

Quantum 101 Episode 10: The Quantum Future

Quantum 101 Episode 10: The Quantum Future

Quantum 101 Episode 9: Quantum Tunneling Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 9: Quantum Tunneling Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 8: Photoelectric Effect Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 8: Photoelectric Effect Explained

Pedro Vieira on a theory of all quantum field theories

Pedro Vieira on a theory of all quantum field theories

Quantum 101 Episode 7: Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 7: Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 6: Quantum Probability Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 6: Quantum Probability Explained

Jessie Muir on the mystery of dark energy | Conversations at the Perimeter

Jessie Muir on the mystery of dark energy | Conversations at the Perimeter

Quantum 101 Episode 5: Quantum Entanglement Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 5: Quantum Entanglement Explained

Juan Maldacena Public Lecture: The Meaning of Spacetime

Juan Maldacena Public Lecture: The Meaning of Spacetime

Quantum 101 Episode 4: Superposition Explained | Schrödinger's Cat

Quantum 101 Episode 4: Superposition Explained | Schrödinger's Cat

Shohini Ghose on revolutions – quantum and social | Conversations at the Perimeter

Shohini Ghose on revolutions – quantum and social | Conversations at the Perimeter

Quantum 101 Episode 3: Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum 101 Episode 3: Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum 101 Episode 2: Quantization Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 2: Quantization Explained

Dustin Lang on big data from a big universe | Conversations at the Perimeter

Dustin Lang on big data from a big universe | Conversations at the Perimeter

Quantum 101 Episode 1: Wave Particle Duality Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 1: Wave Particle Duality Explained

Emmy Noether National Forum: The Power of WHY? | Methods and Mindsets of Women in Science

Emmy Noether National Forum: The Power of WHY? | Methods and Mindsets of Women in Science

Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL)

Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL)

Introducing: Quantum 101 with Katie Mack

Introducing: Quantum 101 with Katie Mack

Government of Canada launches National Quantum Strategy at Perimeter Institute

Government of Canada launches National Quantum Strategy at Perimeter Institute

2022: A brilliant year at Perimeter Institute

2022: A brilliant year at Perimeter Institute

Dark Matter Night with Katie Mack and Ken Clark

Dark Matter Night with Katie Mack and Ken Clark