The Feral Child Tied To A Toilet For 13 Years

The Feral Child Tied To A Toilet For 13 Years

The Lost Genius of Roald Dahl

The Lost Genius of Roald Dahl

The Insane Cult Leader Who Lived Inside The Earth

The Insane Cult Leader Who Lived Inside The Earth

They Starved Surrounded By Food

They Starved Surrounded By Food

The Man Who Killed Millions Trying To Grow Food In Snow

The Man Who Killed Millions Trying To Grow Food In Snow

The Man Who Wants Us Dead

The Man Who Wants Us Dead

The Man Killed For Saving The World

The Man Killed For Saving The World

The Baby Bum - Mind Blow

The Baby Bum - Mind Blow

Should You Be A Psychopath?

Should You Be A Psychopath?

Hand Smell Predicts Gender? - Mind Blow

Hand Smell Predicts Gender? - Mind Blow

Gamers Will Live Forever - Mind Blow

Gamers Will Live Forever - Mind Blow

Does Pain Actually Hurt?

Does Pain Actually Hurt?

GROWING Computers In Your Backyard? -- Mind Blow

GROWING Computers In Your Backyard? -- Mind Blow

Does Happiness Make You Happy?

Does Happiness Make You Happy?

Why Bugs Are Attracted To Light SOLVED - Mind Blow

Why Bugs Are Attracted To Light SOLVED - Mind Blow

The Line Between Smart and Crazy

The Line Between Smart and Crazy

The Self-Healing Robot - Mind Blow

The Self-Healing Robot - Mind Blow

The Insane Data of Car Chases

The Insane Data of Car Chases

New Ice Invented - Mind Blow

New Ice Invented - Mind Blow

The Game Theory of Snitching

The Game Theory of Snitching

The Problem With Talking To People

The Problem With Talking To People

Crime Stats Are A Lie

Crime Stats Are A Lie

Math That Gets You Arrested

Math That Gets You Arrested

The Number That Gets You Shot

The Number That Gets You Shot

Why Mathematicians Won't Help Cops

Why Mathematicians Won't Help Cops

The Dangerous Math Used To Predict Criminals

The Dangerous Math Used To Predict Criminals

The Bad Math Used To Punish Criminals

The Bad Math Used To Punish Criminals

The Bad Science of Eyewitnesses

The Bad Science of Eyewitnesses

Math Caught A Serial Killer

Math Caught A Serial Killer

How The Lottery Was Stolen

How The Lottery Was Stolen