Anthem of the Justicialist Party -

Anthem of the Justicialist Party - "Marcha Peronista"

American Bugle Call -

American Bugle Call - "Taps"

French Crusader Song -

French Crusader Song - "Le Roi Louis"

German Freikorps Song - Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten

German Freikorps Song - Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten"

Flemish Landsknecht Song -

Flemish Landsknecht Song - "Het vendel moet marcheren"

German Landsknecht Song -

German Landsknecht Song - "Unser Liebe Fraue" (Rare Version)

Argentine Socialist Song -

Argentine Socialist Song - "Somos pueblo peronista"

Salvadoran Police Song -

Salvadoran Police Song - "¡Adelante, Policía Valiente!

Russian Military Song -

Russian Military Song - "Мы Русские, с нами Бог!" (We Are Russians, God Is With Us!"

Italian National Syndicalist Song -

Italian National Syndicalist Song - "Di nuovo in armi!"

Anthem of the Empire of Brazil -

Anthem of the Empire of Brazil - "Hino da Independência do Brasil"

Mexican Nationalist Song -

Mexican Nationalist Song - "Bandera en Alto"

Egyptian War Song -

Egyptian War Song - "Going Forth Carrying A Weapon"

Venezuelan Nationalist Song -

Venezuelan Nationalist Song - "Voy a buscar al General Marcos Pérez Jiménez"

Greek Nationalist Song -

Greek Nationalist Song - "Θά 'ρθεις σαν αστραπή" (You Will Come As Lightning)

Serbian War Song -

Serbian War Song - "Republika Srpska"

Anthem of the French State (1940-1942) -

Anthem of the French State (1940-1942) - "La Marseillaise"

Spanish Francoist Song -

Spanish Francoist Song - "El Generalísimo"

Spanish Francoist Song -

Spanish Francoist Song - "¡Gibraltar, Gibraltar!"

Spanish Irredentist Song -

Spanish Irredentist Song - "Gibraltar Español"

Spanish Patriotic Song -

Spanish Patriotic Song - "Marcha de Cádiz"

Spanish Anti-French Song -

Spanish Anti-French Song - "¡Vaya una Jarana!"

Anthem of the Blue Division -

Anthem of the Blue Division - "Himno de la División Azul"

Italian Anti-American Song -

Italian Anti-American Song - "Yankee, tornatevene a casa"

Spanish División Azul Song -

Spanish División Azul Song - "Tómala si un día, tómala si un dos."

Spanish Patriotic Song -

Spanish Patriotic Song - "¡Que Viva España!"

British Fascist Song -

British Fascist Song - "Onward, Blackshirts!"

German Military Song -

German Military Song - "Alte Kameraden"

Belgian Rexist Song -

Belgian Rexist Song - "C'est la lutte finale"

Song of the Revolutionary National Syndicalist Movement of Chile -

Song of the Revolutionary National Syndicalist Movement of Chile - "Banderas negras desplegadas"