Masada, Israel Full Tour: See It All! Jews Last Stand Against Rome! Mass Suicide! Dead Sea, Gomorrah

Masada, Israel Full Tour: See It All! Jews Last Stand Against Rome! Mass Suicide! Dead Sea, Gomorrah

Beth Shean Tour! Most Preserved Roman City in Israel! Tel Beit Shean, Mt. Gilboa, Jezreel, King Saul

Beth Shean Tour! Most Preserved Roman City in Israel! Tel Beit Shean, Mt. Gilboa, Jezreel, King Saul

Capernaum to Bethsaida Relaxing Walk Tour! Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, Enjoy the Sea of Galilee!

Capernaum to Bethsaida Relaxing Walk Tour! Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, Enjoy the Sea of Galilee!

Mt. of Olives Tour Part 2: Tomb of Prophets, Triumphal Entry, Dominus Flevit, Mary Magdalene Church

Mt. of Olives Tour Part 2: Tomb of Prophets, Triumphal Entry, Dominus Flevit, Mary Magdalene Church

Triumphal Entry Tour on the Mount of Olives! Dominus Flevit Church, Place Jesus Wept over Jerusalem!

Triumphal Entry Tour on the Mount of Olives! Dominus Flevit Church, Place Jesus Wept over Jerusalem!

Mount of Olives Tour Part 1: See Every Site! Jesus Ascension & Return, Jerusalem, Gethsemane, Temple

Mount of Olives Tour Part 1: See Every Site! Jesus Ascension & Return, Jerusalem, Gethsemane, Temple

Oaks of Mamre Tour: Where the Covenant of Faith with Abraham Happened 4000 Years Ago! Hebron, Israel

Oaks of Mamre Tour: Where the Covenant of Faith with Abraham Happened 4000 Years Ago! Hebron, Israel

Garden of Eden Discovered? Did We Find It? Evidence for Eden's Location! Fall of Adam, Eve, Creation

Garden of Eden Discovered? Did We Find It? Evidence for Eden's Location! Fall of Adam, Eve, Creation

See Where Jesus Ascended to Heaven & Will Return in Great Glory! Chapel of Ascension Tour! Jerusalem

See Where Jesus Ascended to Heaven & Will Return in Great Glory! Chapel of Ascension Tour! Jerusalem

Tel Jezreel, Samaria, Tour! King Ahab, Wicked Jezebel, Naboth's Vineyard Saga! Valley of Armageddon!

Tel Jezreel, Samaria, Tour! King Ahab, Wicked Jezebel, Naboth's Vineyard Saga! Valley of Armageddon!

Mystic Ancient Petra Tour! See Its Amazing Sites, The Famous Treasury, & History! Wadi Musa, Jordan!

Mystic Ancient Petra Tour! See Its Amazing Sites, The Famous Treasury, & History! Wadi Musa, Jordan!

See Where Jesus Was Arrested to Be Crucified! Mary's Tomb, Church of St. Mary, Gethsemane Cave Tour!

See Where Jesus Was Arrested to Be Crucified! Mary's Tomb, Church of St. Mary, Gethsemane Cave Tour!

Three Huge Wars Await Israel as Prophesied in the Bible! See If Israel Wins or Is Defeated! Must See

Three Huge Wars Await Israel as Prophesied in the Bible! See If Israel Wins or Is Defeated! Must See

The Differences Between Christianity & Islam, Jesus Christ & Muhammad, the Bible & the Quran

The Differences Between Christianity & Islam, Jesus Christ & Muhammad, the Bible & the Quran

History & Layout of Jerusalem from the Time of Jesus Until Now! Model of Jerusalem, Walking Tour!

History & Layout of Jerusalem from the Time of Jesus Until Now! Model of Jerusalem, Walking Tour!

What Is the Real Reason for War & Conflict in Israel & the Middle East? West Bank, Gaza, Islam, Jews

What Is the Real Reason for War & Conflict in Israel & the Middle East? West Bank, Gaza, Islam, Jews

Understanding the Jewish Holy Days & How Jesus Fulfills Them | Passover, Pentecost, First Fruits

Understanding the Jewish Holy Days & How Jesus Fulfills Them | Passover, Pentecost, First Fruits

Mount of Beatitudes Faith Lesson: Sermon on the Mount, Church of Beatitudes, Jesus Teaches!

Mount of Beatitudes Faith Lesson: Sermon on the Mount, Church of Beatitudes, Jesus Teaches!

House of Caiaphas Tour: Jesus Beaten, Peter's Denial of Christ, Trial, Jerusalem, Gallicantu Church

House of Caiaphas Tour: Jesus Beaten, Peter's Denial of Christ, Trial, Jerusalem, Gallicantu Church

Church of the Annunciation Bible & Faith Lesson: Home of Mary, Joseph, & Jesus Revealed, Nazareth

Church of the Annunciation Bible & Faith Lesson: Home of Mary, Joseph, & Jesus Revealed, Nazareth

Temple Mount Southern Stairs Faith Lesson! Jerusalem Archaeological Center! Meaning of Discipleship

Temple Mount Southern Stairs Faith Lesson! Jerusalem Archaeological Center! Meaning of Discipleship

Hebron Caves of Machpelah Tour! Burial Site of Abraham, Sarah & the Patriarchs! Bible Events, Hebron

Hebron Caves of Machpelah Tour! Burial Site of Abraham, Sarah & the Patriarchs! Bible Events, Hebron

Ben Gurion Airport Departure Orientation Tour Video! Security Checks, Passports, Luggage, Terminal

Ben Gurion Airport Departure Orientation Tour Video! Security Checks, Passports, Luggage, Terminal

Temple Mount Tour! Location of Solomon & Herod Temple Platforms! Dome of the Rock, Temple Location!

Temple Mount Tour! Location of Solomon & Herod Temple Platforms! Dome of the Rock, Temple Location!

Ben Gurion Airport Israel Arrival Orientation Tour! Tourist Visas, Passports, Luggage, Customs, Taxi

Ben Gurion Airport Israel Arrival Orientation Tour! Tourist Visas, Passports, Luggage, Customs, Taxi

Jordan River Crossing: Bible Teaching & Faith Lesson, Israelites Enter the Promised Land, Jericho

Jordan River Crossing: Bible Teaching & Faith Lesson, Israelites Enter the Promised Land, Jericho

Mount Arbel Bible Teaching & Faith Lesson: The Amazing Site Where Jesus Gave the Great Commission!

Mount Arbel Bible Teaching & Faith Lesson: The Amazing Site Where Jesus Gave the Great Commission!

Magdala Faith Lesson: Hometown & Life of Mary Magdalene, Sea of Galilee! Magadan, Jesus Healed Many!

Magdala Faith Lesson: Hometown & Life of Mary Magdalene, Sea of Galilee! Magadan, Jesus Healed Many!

Mount of Beatitudes Tour! Sermon on the Mount, Sea of Galilee, Church of Beatitudes, Jesus Teaches!

Mount of Beatitudes Tour! Sermon on the Mount, Sea of Galilee, Church of Beatitudes, Jesus Teaches!

Capernaum Tour: Town & Ministry Base of Jesus Christ! Sea of Galilee, Bible Teaching & Faith Lesson

Capernaum Tour: Town & Ministry Base of Jesus Christ! Sea of Galilee, Bible Teaching & Faith Lesson