Radar Techniques: Ground-Stabilized vs Sea-Stabilized for Navigation and Collision Avoidance

Radar Techniques: Ground-Stabilized vs Sea-Stabilized for Navigation and Collision Avoidance

Speed Through Water (STW) vs. Speed Over Ground (SOG): Why It Matters for Radar Collision Avoidance?

Speed Through Water (STW) vs. Speed Over Ground (SOG): Why It Matters for Radar Collision Avoidance?

Clearing Bearings: How to Mark It in the Passage Plans for Safe Navigation

Clearing Bearings: How to Mark It in the Passage Plans for Safe Navigation

How to Get Started with ECDIS: A Beginners Guide l Familiarization l Passage Planning

How to Get Started with ECDIS: A Beginners Guide l Familiarization l Passage Planning

Understanding Ship's Abort Point, Point of No Return, and Emergency Anchorage l Passage Planning

Understanding Ship's Abort Point, Point of No Return, and Emergency Anchorage l Passage Planning

Running Fix: Incorporating Dead Reckoning (DR) Position | Position Fixing Technique

Running Fix: Incorporating Dead Reckoning (DR) Position | Position Fixing Technique

Tidal Stream Prediction: Determine

Tidal Stream Prediction: Determine "Set & Drift" and Course to Steer

Position Fixing Technique II: By Crossbearing - Two & Three Bearings

Position Fixing Technique II: By Crossbearing - Two & Three Bearings

Position Fixing Technique: By Radar Range & Bearing

Position Fixing Technique: By Radar Range & Bearing

Determine True Wind Direction & Speed: Using Compass Rose, Plotting Sheet, and True Wind Calculator

Determine True Wind Direction & Speed: Using Compass Rose, Plotting Sheet, and True Wind Calculator

Determine Wheel Over Point (WOP): 3 Methods for Accurate Ship Turns ll Rate of Turn (ROT)

Determine Wheel Over Point (WOP): 3 Methods for Accurate Ship Turns ll Rate of Turn (ROT)

Parallel Indexing: How to Determine & Set Parallel Index Lines l PI Lines l RADAR l Passage Planning

Parallel Indexing: How to Determine & Set Parallel Index Lines l PI Lines l RADAR l Passage Planning

How to Install OpenCPN on Android Phone l Free ECDIS with ENCs l Step-by-Step Guide l Passage Plan

How to Install OpenCPN on Android Phone l Free ECDIS with ENCs l Step-by-Step Guide l Passage Plan

How to Install OpenCPN with ENCs and Create Passage Plan | Step-by-Step Guide l Free ECDIS

How to Install OpenCPN with ENCs and Create Passage Plan | Step-by-Step Guide l Free ECDIS

Calculate Metacentric Height (GM) ll Suspended Weight ll Movement of COG ll Ship Stability

Calculate Metacentric Height (GM) ll Suspended Weight ll Movement of COG ll Ship Stability

CATZOC ll Category of Zone of Confidence ll ENC ll ECDIS ll UKC ll Passage Planning ll Navigation

CATZOC ll Category of Zone of Confidence ll ENC ll ECDIS ll UKC ll Passage Planning ll Navigation

Calculate Cargo to Load with Draft Limit 2 ll Determine the Maximum Cargo to Load for Required Draft

Calculate Cargo to Load with Draft Limit 2 ll Determine the Maximum Cargo to Load for Required Draft

Calculate Angle of List due to Loading of Weight ll What is List ll Ship's Stability

Calculate Angle of List due to Loading of Weight ll What is List ll Ship's Stability

Calculate the Fresh Water Allowance (FWA) & Dock Water Allowance (DWA) 2 ll Calculate Final Draft

Calculate the Fresh Water Allowance (FWA) & Dock Water Allowance (DWA) 2 ll Calculate Final Draft

Construct a GZ Curve ll Range of Stability ll Angle of Vanishing Stability ll KN Values

Construct a GZ Curve ll Range of Stability ll Angle of Vanishing Stability ll KN Values

Angle of Loll ll List ll Ship Stability ll Neutral Equilibrium ll Righting Arm ll Metacenter

Angle of Loll ll List ll Ship Stability ll Neutral Equilibrium ll Righting Arm ll Metacenter

Free Surface Effect (FSE) ll Ship's Stability ll Calculate Free Surface Correction ll Slack Tank

Free Surface Effect (FSE) ll Ship's Stability ll Calculate Free Surface Correction ll Slack Tank

Ship's Load Lines ll Plimsoll Lines ll Application of Load Lines in Different Zones

Ship's Load Lines ll Plimsoll Lines ll Application of Load Lines in Different Zones

Metacentric Height ll GM ll Ships Equilibrium ll Angle of Loll ll Righting Lever and Righting Moment

Metacentric Height ll GM ll Ships Equilibrium ll Angle of Loll ll Righting Lever and Righting Moment

Determine and Set Safety Parameters ll Shallow, Safety & Deep Contours ll ECDIS ll Passage Planning

Determine and Set Safety Parameters ll Shallow, Safety & Deep Contours ll ECDIS ll Passage Planning

How to Calculate Under Keel Clearance ll Determine Ship's UKC ll CATZOC ll Squat ll Passage Planning

How to Calculate Under Keel Clearance ll Determine Ship's UKC ll CATZOC ll Squat ll Passage Planning

Calculate Ship's Squat ll What is squat? ll How squat affect ship's trim? ll Seamanship

Calculate Ship's Squat ll What is squat? ll How squat affect ship's trim? ll Seamanship

Calculate Ship's Swing Radius when Anchored ll Turning Radius ll Turning Circle ll Drag Circle

Calculate Ship's Swing Radius when Anchored ll Turning Radius ll Turning Circle ll Drag Circle

Calculate Anchor Shackle to Drop ll Determine how many shackles have been dropped ll Seamanship

Calculate Anchor Shackle to Drop ll Determine how many shackles have been dropped ll Seamanship

How ship's Center of Gravity (G) moves?

How ship's Center of Gravity (G) moves?