‘The Lads in Navy Blue’ - British Patriotic Song

‘The Lads in Navy Blue’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Private Tommy Atkins’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Private Tommy Atkins’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue’ - British WW1 Song

‘Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue’ - British WW1 Song

‘God Bless His Majesty’ - English Royalist Song

‘God Bless His Majesty’ - English Royalist Song

‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’ - British Patriotic Song

‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Exaltation of King James’ - English Royalist Song

‘Exaltation of King James’ - English Royalist Song

‘Soldiers of the King’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Soldiers of the King’ - British Patriotic Song

‘The Wagon Loafers’ - British Boer War Song

‘The Wagon Loafers’ - British Boer War Song

‘Colonel Burnaby’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Colonel Burnaby’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Brave Lord Willoughby’ - English Patriotic Song

‘Brave Lord Willoughby’ - English Patriotic Song

‘Vive Henri IV’ - National Anthem of the Kingdom of France [Bastille Day Special]

‘Vive Henri IV’ - National Anthem of the Kingdom of France [Bastille Day Special]

‘Drake Goes West’ - English Patriotic Song

‘Drake Goes West’ - English Patriotic Song

‘Britons, Strike Home’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Britons, Strike Home’ - British Patriotic Song

‘We Be Soldiers Three’ - English Patriotic Song

‘We Be Soldiers Three’ - English Patriotic Song

‘How Stands the Glass Around’ - British Patriotic Song

‘How Stands the Glass Around’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Bang Upon the Big Drum’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Bang Upon the Big Drum’ - British Patriotic Song

‘One and All’ - British Napoleonic War Song

‘One and All’ - British Napoleonic War Song

‘Ye Madcaps of England’ - British Patriotic Song

‘Ye Madcaps of England’ - British Patriotic Song

'The Girl I Left Behind Me' - British Patriotic Song

'The Girl I Left Behind Me' - British Patriotic Song

'The Queen at Tilsburie' - English Royalist Song

'The Queen at Tilsburie' - English Royalist Song

‘From Scourging Rebellion’ - British Patriotic Song

‘From Scourging Rebellion’ - British Patriotic Song

‘See the Conquering Hero Comes’ - British Patriotic Song

‘See the Conquering Hero Comes’ - British Patriotic Song

'The Royal Head is Severed' - English Civil War Song

'The Royal Head is Severed' - English Civil War Song

'When Cannons are Roaring' - English Patriotic Song

'When Cannons are Roaring' - English Patriotic Song

'You Traitors All' - English Royalist Song

'You Traitors All' - English Royalist Song

1 Hour of British World War 1 Songs [10K Special]

1 Hour of British World War 1 Songs [10K Special]

'Vive Le Roi' - French Royalist Song

'Vive Le Roi' - French Royalist Song

'God Save the King' - 1914 WW1 Recording

'God Save the King' - 1914 WW1 Recording

‘Goodbye Dolly Grey’ - British Boer War Song

‘Goodbye Dolly Grey’ - British Boer War Song

'Make a Joyful Noise' - British Coronation Hymn

'Make a Joyful Noise' - British Coronation Hymn