Humans, Well, GOOD LUCK!

Humans, Well, GOOD LUCK!

No One Helped This Alien Princess, Except the Human Medic

No One Helped This Alien Princess, Except the Human Medic

Stranded On A Deathworld with the Deathworlders

Stranded On A Deathworld with the Deathworlders

They Laughed At Earth, UNTIL Our Secret Fleet Was Revealed

They Laughed At Earth, UNTIL Our Secret Fleet Was Revealed

They Terrorized the Galaxy, Until Humans Secret Super Soldiers Joined the War

They Terrorized the Galaxy, Until Humans Secret Super Soldiers Joined the War

Unveiling the True Face of the Galaxy's Deadliest Predator

Unveiling the True Face of the Galaxy's Deadliest Predator

When Galactic Empire Realizes Earth Is Off Limits

When Galactic Empire Realizes Earth Is Off Limits

Alien Ambassador Shocked: I Thought Humans Were Weak?!

Alien Ambassador Shocked: I Thought Humans Were Weak?!

Alien Girl Left in Tears After A Human Medic Saves Her

Alien Girl Left in Tears After A Human Medic Saves Her

Alien Monk in Shock: Only the Human Could Solve the Ancient Puzzle!

Alien Monk in Shock: Only the Human Could Solve the Ancient Puzzle!

Alien Queen Rescued by a Primitive Human, Alien King Left in Shock

Alien Queen Rescued by a Primitive Human, Alien King Left in Shock

Alien Students Tremble When Learning of Humans Carnivorous Nature

Alien Students Tremble When Learning of Humans Carnivorous Nature

Aliens Killed Human Dog So Earth Unleashed Its Ancient Warship

Aliens Killed Human Dog So Earth Unleashed Its Ancient Warship

Aliens Laughed at Relic Pack, Until the Human Warbeasts Roared to Life

Aliens Laughed at Relic Pack, Until the Human Warbeasts Roared to Life

Aliens Revive a Human Super Soldier from Cryo Sleep, Quickly Regret Their Decision

Aliens Revive a Human Super Soldier from Cryo Sleep, Quickly Regret Their Decision

Aliens Tremble at the Sight of Earth's Ancient Tanks

Aliens Tremble at the Sight of Earth's Ancient Tanks

Earth's Hidden Fleet Causes Galactic Uproar

Earth's Hidden Fleet Causes Galactic Uproar

Everyone COWERED In Fear, EXCEPT For Humans!

Everyone COWERED In Fear, EXCEPT For Humans!

Galactic Council Killed Human Girl So Earth Unleashed Its Secret Fleet

Galactic Council Killed Human Girl So Earth Unleashed Its Secret Fleet

Galactic Council Tortured Human Child So We Unleashed Our Pets!

Galactic Council Tortured Human Child So We Unleashed Our Pets!

Galaxy's Most Feared Alien Species Was Undefeating, Until Humans Came

Galaxy's Most Feared Alien Species Was Undefeating, Until Humans Came

Human Student Was Bullied, Until Aliens Learned He's From A Deathworld!

Human Student Was Bullied, Until Aliens Learned He's From A Deathworld!

Humans Gave Aliens One Warning:

Humans Gave Aliens One Warning: "Your Worlds Will Lie In Ruins"

Lost Spaceship Found Adrift, What They Discovered is Spine Chilling

Lost Spaceship Found Adrift, What They Discovered is Spine Chilling

Only The

Only The "Angry" Humans Came To The Rescue

The Galaxy's Most Feared Creature Was Rampaging, Until a Human Stepped In

The Galaxy's Most Feared Creature Was Rampaging, Until a Human Stepped In

They Laughed At The Ancient Fleet, Until They Realized Humans Built It!

They Laughed At The Ancient Fleet, Until They Realized Humans Built It!

They Were Almost Wiped Out Until The Human Showed Up

They Were Almost Wiped Out Until The Human Showed Up

We Needed Help, So We Called In The Humans!

We Needed Help, So We Called In The Humans!

When Humans Get ANGRY No One Can Stop Them!

When Humans Get ANGRY No One Can Stop Them!