Impact of the Holy Spirit: Stories of Healings and Salvations

Impact of the Holy Spirit: Stories of Healings and Salvations

Tara after a stroke before she was healed.

Tara after a stroke before she was healed.

From Paralysis to Healing: Tara's Miraculous Encounter

From Paralysis to Healing: Tara's Miraculous Encounter

Divine Confirmation: God Speaks Through Dream and Scripture

Divine Confirmation: God Speaks Through Dream and Scripture

Divine Intervention: God Warns Father of Scorpion

Divine Intervention: God Warns Father of Scorpion

Jeremy Went for a Walk with God, But Ended Up Saving a Life!

Jeremy Went for a Walk with God, But Ended Up Saving a Life!

How Prophecy Shaped Jeremy's Destiny

How Prophecy Shaped Jeremy's Destiny

Unbelievable Transformation: Matt's Journey from Despair to Prosperity

Unbelievable Transformation: Matt's Journey from Despair to Prosperity

From Breast Cancer to Breakthrough: Becky's Journey to Abundant Life

From Breast Cancer to Breakthrough: Becky's Journey to Abundant Life

"God is not afraid to go into the darkest places to find you." - Monique

The Power of Faith: How I Went from Lost to Leading Thousands to Christ

The Power of Faith: How I Went from Lost to Leading Thousands to Christ

When God speaks to you, it’s an invitation. It’s an invitation to partner and walk with God. - Caleb

When God speaks to you, it’s an invitation. It’s an invitation to partner and walk with God. - Caleb

Pastor's son encounters Jesus after the death of his father.

Pastor's son encounters Jesus after the death of his father.

I thought I was just a tool, an unloved tool in God's hands. - Steve

I thought I was just a tool, an unloved tool in God's hands. - Steve

Christians that are out there that feel like there's got to be more. There is more! - Tom

Christians that are out there that feel like there's got to be more. There is more! - Tom

In Him - I have been filled. I've been sealed. I'm the beloved. And that is our identity. - Sandrine

In Him - I have been filled. I've been sealed. I'm the beloved. And that is our identity. - Sandrine

" His arms are wide open and it doesn't matter what you've done." - Richard

"He's not just a somebody, He's everything. When you encounter Him, it's not just words."  - Sharla

My entire life made sense finally. He was always with me. He always had me... - Jason

My entire life made sense finally. He was always with me. He always had me... - Jason

"There's no going back to the pew for us. I see why they call it a pew, you know, “Peeeewww.” - John

"I awaken every morning expectant to interact with a supernatural God" - John

What if my prayer's not being answered?

What if my prayer's not being answered?

"God, I want to forgive him. But help me I just feel like he needs to be punished." - Erin

"Jesus didn't say, ‘Pray and ask Me to heal.’ Jesus said, ‘You lay hands on the sick..." - Erin

"My prayer shifted from, “Save me.” to, “Make me just like You.” - David

"God knows how to take care of every need: spiritual, physical, emotional - My job is to trust Him."

"Truth wasn't an idea. It was a person. I had to meet Jesus." - Brian

"That's all I knew to ask, “God, help me fall in love with You.” And that began the journey." - Jane

Send me a Cardinal - Full Video

Send me a Cardinal - Full Video

Video - Cardinal Visiting Family the Day After Mom's Funeral

Video - Cardinal Visiting Family the Day After Mom's Funeral