Parasite, but it's a 70's horror film | Concept Trailer

Parasite, but it's a 70's horror film | Concept Trailer

Doctor Strange: Break the Rules | Recap

Doctor Strange: Break the Rules | Recap

Batman: The Hero's Ethics | The Dark Knight Analysis & Recap

Batman: The Hero's Ethics | The Dark Knight Analysis & Recap

Walter White vs Gustavo Fring | A Breaking Bad Tribute

Walter White vs Gustavo Fring | A Breaking Bad Tribute

Reality is Just a Simulation Made by Machines | The Matrix Recap

Reality is Just a Simulation Made by Machines | The Matrix Recap

When Artificial Intelligence Surpasses Humans | Ex Machina Recap

When Artificial Intelligence Surpasses Humans | Ex Machina Recap

A Time Traveller Tries to Avoid the Spread of a Deadly Virus | 12 Monkeys Recap

A Time Traveller Tries to Avoid the Spread of a Deadly Virus | 12 Monkeys Recap

Pulp Fiction & Inglourious Basterds Analysis | Tarantino & Time

Pulp Fiction & Inglourious Basterds Analysis | Tarantino & Time

The Truman Show and The End of Privacy | Movie Analysis

The Truman Show and The End of Privacy | Movie Analysis

The Office: Beauty in Ordinary Things | An Overall Analysis

The Office: Beauty in Ordinary Things | An Overall Analysis

Se7en: Combining Crime and Religion | Movie Analysis

Se7en: Combining Crime and Religion | Movie Analysis

Forrest Gump: Destiny vs. Luck | Movie Explained

Forrest Gump: Destiny vs. Luck | Movie Explained

The Wolf Of Wall Street: The Law of the Strongest | Film Analysis

The Wolf Of Wall Street: The Law of the Strongest | Film Analysis

The Eternal Present in ‘1917’ | Making of, Analysis and Meaning

The Eternal Present in ‘1917’ | Making of, Analysis and Meaning

Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver) Comparison | Character Analysis

Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver) Comparison | Character Analysis

The Meaning of Life and Self Actualization in 'American Beauty' | Film Analysis

The Meaning of Life and Self Actualization in 'American Beauty' | Film Analysis

God and the American Capitalism in ‘There Will Be Blood’ | Film Analysis

God and the American Capitalism in ‘There Will Be Blood’ | Film Analysis

How We Got Here: From Big Bang to Google

How We Got Here: From Big Bang to Google

Tyler Durden From 'Fight Club' | Film Analysis

Tyler Durden From 'Fight Club' | Film Analysis

Why Do Some People Come Back To Life?

Why Do Some People Come Back To Life?

Revolution, Religion and Fascism in 'V for Vendetta' | Film Analysis

Revolution, Religion and Fascism in 'V for Vendetta' | Film Analysis

How To Travel In Space Using Water

How To Travel In Space Using Water

How Your Mood And Age Affect The Speed Of Time

How Your Mood And Age Affect The Speed Of Time