Shorthand Short Form (D)

Shorthand Short Form (D)


Phrases "A" (2) Pitman Shorthand

Union Territories in Pitman Shorthand

Union Territories in Pitman Shorthand

Pitman Shorthand short forms for Indian States - (2)

Pitman Shorthand short forms for Indian States - (2)

Legal Phrases

Legal Phrases "C" Pitman Shorthand

Pitman Shorthand Phrases for

Pitman Shorthand Phrases for "A"

Pitman Shorthand Phrase for 'Agricultural'

Pitman Shorthand Phrase for 'Agricultural'

Pitman Shorthand New Era - Exercise - 1,2,3 ( Answer key)

Pitman Shorthand New Era - Exercise - 1,2,3 ( Answer key)

मराठी लघुलेखन | Marathi Shorthand

मराठी लघुलेखन | Marathi Shorthand

Legal Phrases (B) - Pitman Shorthand and List of Grammalogues & Contractions

Legal Phrases (B) - Pitman Shorthand and List of Grammalogues & Contractions

Legal Phrases (A) - Pitman Shorthand

Legal Phrases (A) - Pitman Shorthand

Pitman Shorthand - Legal Phrases

Pitman Shorthand - Legal Phrases

Law Phrases - Pitman Shorthand (2)

Law Phrases - Pitman Shorthand (2)

Pitman Shorthand - Law Phrases (1)

Pitman Shorthand - Law Phrases (1)

मराठी लघुलेखन - महत्त्वाचे शब्द

मराठी लघुलेखन - महत्त्वाचे शब्द

मराठी लघुलेखन - गती उतारा (ब)
8 August 2017
Marathi Shorthand

मराठी लघुलेखन - गती उतारा (ब) 8 August 2017 Marathi Shorthand

All Business Phrases - Pitman Shorthand

All Business Phrases - Pitman Shorthand

All advanced phrases - Pitman Shorthand

All advanced phrases - Pitman Shorthand

LESSON 6 - Pitman Shorthand - Small Signs and Tick Signs short forms

LESSON 6 - Pitman Shorthand - Small Signs and Tick Signs short forms

LESSON 5 for beginners
Dictation with outline for exercise

LESSON 5 for beginners Dictation with outline for exercise

मराठी लघुलेखन गती उतारा (अ)
Marathi Shorthand Dictation
60 WPM
8 August 2017

मराठी लघुलेखन गती उतारा (अ) Marathi Shorthand Dictation 60 WPM 8 August 2017

Pitman Shorthand Phrases..

Pitman Shorthand Phrases..

Hindu Editorial in Teeline Shorthand
80 WPM
29 June 2021

Hindu Editorial in Teeline Shorthand 80 WPM 29 June 2021

LESSON 4... Pitman Shorthand

LESSON 4... Pitman Shorthand "Diphthongs"

Pitman Shorthand Phrases for word

Pitman Shorthand Phrases for word "National"

English Shorthand Dictation
100 WPM
section (A)

English Shorthand Dictation 100 WPM section (A)

Pitman Shorthand useful legal phrases #shorts
@Shorthand Love

Pitman Shorthand useful legal phrases #shorts @Shorthand Love

English Shorthand 80 Wpm Dictation
MSCE, Pune 10 January 2017
Para (A)

English Shorthand 80 Wpm Dictation MSCE, Pune 10 January 2017 Para (A)

Shorthand Paper 10 January 2017
Grammalogues/Phrases #shorts

MAHARASTRA STATE COUNCIL OF EXAMINATION Shorthand Paper 10 January 2017 Grammalogues/Phrases #shorts

Pitman Shorthand Phrases

Pitman Shorthand Phrases