Wick Editor - Add a Picture and Layer

Wick Editor - Add a Picture and Layer

Spine of the Story

Spine of the Story

Adventure Genre

Adventure Genre

The Three Act Structure

The Three Act Structure

Science Fiction Genre

Science Fiction Genre

Comedy Genre

Comedy Genre

Thriller Genre

Thriller Genre

Horror Genre

Horror Genre

Fantasy Genre

Fantasy Genre

Genre Detective

Genre Detective

Introduction to Genre and the Action Genre

Introduction to Genre and the Action Genre

Story Structure 1

Story Structure 1

Moving objects and scenes in 3ds Max

Moving objects and scenes in 3ds Max

How to rotate an object in 3ds Max

How to rotate an object in 3ds Max

How to increase and decrease size of an object in 3ds Max

How to increase and decrease size of an object in 3ds Max

Group Objects Together in 3ds Max

Group Objects Together in 3ds Max

Copy an object in 3ds Max

Copy an object in 3ds Max

3ds Max Modify Tab

3ds Max Modify Tab

3ds Max Standard Primitives

3ds Max Standard Primitives

Enlarging the screen in 3ds Max

Enlarging the screen in 3ds Max

Edge Selection

Edge Selection

3ds Max Standard Primitives

3ds Max Standard Primitives

Sweep Modifier

Sweep Modifier

Spline Wireframe Design

Spline Wireframe Design

Spline Spring Design

Spline Spring Design

Lathe Modifier 3ds Max

Lathe Modifier 3ds Max