Today on Twitch comes to an End.

Today on Twitch comes to an End.

Western ADCs are Doomed

Western ADCs are Doomed

T1 Zeus Shakes his Head after he has to Clean up Oner's Mess

T1 Zeus Shakes his Head after he has to Clean up Oner's Mess

KT Lehends is Korean Hylissang.

KT Lehends is Korean Hylissang.

Moham's Teammates are laughing while he's Crying on Stage

Moham's Teammates are laughing while he's Crying on Stage

Keria POV of his World Class Thresh

Keria POV of his World Class Thresh

FAKER POV of his Textbook Gragas Solokill

FAKER POV of his Textbook Gragas Solokill

T1 have Mercy

T1 have Mercy

Keria positioning between Zeri Q's to save Guma

Keria positioning between Zeri Q's to save Guma

T1 Players all Posing after Game

T1 Players all Posing after Game

Faker embarrassed after he has to Sneeze in Game

Faker embarrassed after he has to Sneeze in Game

Faker awkward Silence after he does This:

Faker awkward Silence after he does This:

Nemesis reacts to Upset joining Vitality

Nemesis reacts to Upset joining Vitality

Jankos would have done it.

Jankos would have done it.

Hylissang vs Hans Sama ultimate Showdown

Hylissang vs Hans Sama ultimate Showdown

Broxah asks Caps why his Coach allows him to Troll Pick in LEC

Broxah asks Caps why his Coach allows him to Troll Pick in LEC

Elyoya disappointed watching G2 lift their Trophy

Elyoya disappointed watching G2 lift their Trophy

Hans Sama didn't play like That in NA

Hans Sama didn't play like That in NA

G2 Yike 0.2s Twisted Advance Tower Dodge

G2 Yike 0.2s Twisted Advance Tower Dodge

Europe is no Competition for G2 right now.

Europe is no Competition for G2 right now.

G2 Caps compares 2018 to 2023

G2 Caps compares 2018 to 2023

the Moment Caps Solo Bolos Nisqy lv3, the Series is over

the Moment Caps Solo Bolos Nisqy lv3, the Series is over

G2 Brokenblade on playing vs Asian Teams

G2 Brokenblade on playing vs Asian Teams

Caps helps out Broxah in his First ever Interview

Caps helps out Broxah in his First ever Interview

Caps glides away because he knows LEC is won

Caps glides away because he knows LEC is won

Hans Sama so Happy after winning his First LEC Title

Hans Sama so Happy after winning his First LEC Title

Elyoya identity Crisis while G2 End the Game

Elyoya identity Crisis while G2 End the Game

Hylissang GOD Tier Engage

Hylissang GOD Tier Engage

Keria's warning to all SoloQ Players trying to Copy him

Keria's warning to all SoloQ Players trying to Copy him

Tian 0.1s reaction Repel to Dodge Knight's Stun

Tian 0.1s reaction Repel to Dodge Knight's Stun