Gorilla girl jealous of her best friend.😒|Shabani Group/Annie

Gorilla girl jealous of her best friend.😒|Shabani Group/Annie

Grandma Gorilla sleeping comfortably next to her daughter|Shabani Group

Grandma Gorilla sleeping comfortably next to her daughter|Shabani Group

Silverback wants to play with the children.🔥 |Shabani Group

Silverback wants to play with the children.🔥 |Shabani Group

Silverback wants to communicate with female gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback wants to communicate with female gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback enjoys playing chase with his son|Shabani Group

Silverback enjoys playing chase with his son|Shabani Group

Mother gorilla is happy to be able to play with her daughter.|Shabani Group

Mother gorilla is happy to be able to play with her daughter.|Shabani Group

Silverback refuses to go to breakfast.|Shabani Group

Silverback refuses to go to breakfast.|Shabani Group

Silverback and son enjoying the rain ☔️|Shabani Group

Silverback and son enjoying the rain ☔️|Shabani Group

Silverback worried about Grandma Gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback worried about Grandma Gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback shows off his incredible power to his son.|Shabani Group

Silverback shows off his incredible power to his son.|Shabani Group

Silverback is very happy to make up with his son.|Shabani Group

Silverback is very happy to make up with his son.|Shabani Group

Annie seems to love her new keeper |Shabani Group・Gorilla

Annie seems to love her new keeper |Shabani Group・Gorilla

Silverback cares about his son no matter what.|Shabani Group

Silverback cares about his son no matter what.|Shabani Group

Silverback sanctions son for beating female gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback sanctions son for beating female gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback gets angry and knocks his son to the ground.|Shabani Group

Silverback gets angry and knocks his son to the ground.|Shabani Group

Silverback is happy to reconcile with his son.|Shabani Group

Silverback is happy to reconcile with his son.|Shabani Group

Gorilla girl pestering her keepers and silverbacks|Shabani Group

Gorilla girl pestering her keepers and silverbacks|Shabani Group

Son gorilla overwhelmed by the power of the silverback|Shabani Group

Son gorilla overwhelmed by the power of the silverback|Shabani Group

Silverback Dares to Confront Provocative Son|Shabani Group

Silverback Dares to Confront Provocative Son|Shabani Group

Who took Grandma Nene's leeks?/Subsequent Shabani and Ai, etc.|Gorilla

Who took Grandma Nene's leeks?/Subsequent Shabani and Ai, etc.|Gorilla

Shabani courts Ai aggressively.|Gorilla

Shabani courts Ai aggressively.|Gorilla

Gorilla girl giving a present to Grandma Gorilla🎁✨ Shabani Group

Gorilla girl giving a present to Grandma Gorilla🎁✨ Shabani Group

Daughter gorilla cuddles up to her listless mother|Shabani Group

Daughter gorilla cuddles up to her listless mother|Shabani Group

Silverbacks show their strength to female gorillas|Shabani Group

Silverbacks show their strength to female gorillas|Shabani Group

Silverback cuddles up to a sad-looking daughter.|Shabani Group

Silverback cuddles up to a sad-looking daughter.|Shabani Group

Silverback envious of brother gorilla playing with sister|Shabani Group

Silverback envious of brother gorilla playing with sister|Shabani Group

Silverback enjoys being chased by an angry female gorilla|Shabani Group

Silverback enjoys being chased by an angry female gorilla|Shabani Group

Anxious gorilla girl feels safer with her mother by her side|Shabani Group

Anxious gorilla girl feels safer with her mother by her side|Shabani Group

Silverback invites his son to play in a variety of ways|Shabani Group

Silverback invites his son to play in a variety of ways|Shabani Group

Gorilla Girl seems to have found a new way to play.|Shabani Group

Gorilla Girl seems to have found a new way to play.|Shabani Group