Gutfeld the pathetic male grabber

Gutfeld the pathetic male grabber

Hannity the racist rabble rouser

Hannity the racist rabble rouser

Cat still didn’t get his food the lazy bastard

Cat still didn’t get his food the lazy bastard

Laziest cat ever that doesn’t want to put in work to get its meal 

Laziest cat ever that doesn’t want to put in work to get its meal 

Trump says Republicans eat their young 

Trump says Republicans eat their young 

Cat versus laser and not interested 

Cat versus laser and not interested 

Cat goes berserk 

Cat goes berserk 

Shame on Jom Caviezel for agreeing with Fox News and calling himself, Jesus and Trump Moses 

Shame on Jom Caviezel for agreeing with Fox News and calling himself, Jesus and Trump Moses 

NYC day care fentanyl poisoning 

NYC day care fentanyl poisoning 

 Violent disrespectful Karen hits old woman, then karma gets her back 

 Violent disrespectful Karen hits old woman, then karma gets her back 

Bill Burr in Jersey

Bill Burr in Jersey

Leopard ate zebra penis and got peed on 

Leopard ate zebra penis and got peed on 

Karate cat 

Karate cat 

Tucker Carlson white men fight better than black men 

Tucker Carlson white men fight better than black men 

White man threatens to punch woman in the face 

White man threatens to punch woman in the face 

Disgusting squatters take over a beautiful house 

Disgusting squatters take over a beautiful house 

Mississippi log lolly pine (John Schneider)

Mississippi log lolly pine (John Schneider)

A double amputee with no legs was shot dead by the police department .

A double amputee with no legs was shot dead by the police department .

This guy is a scammer and only accepts those that are willing to give  money this isn’t free.

This guy is a scammer and only accepts those that are willing to give  money this isn’t free.

Sexy foreign news reporter gets snatched up by the Russians.

Sexy foreign news reporter gets snatched up by the Russians.

Brown face painted

Brown face painted

What type of barrel does my Bushmaster A.R. 15 have?

What type of barrel does my Bushmaster A.R. 15 have?

Cony’s Merry Xmas

Cony’s Merry Xmas

Cat versus crab

Cat versus crab

Dave Chapelle the grio awards

Dave Chapelle the grio awards

Man versus squirrel

Man versus squirrel

Bombs of white hot phosphorus From Russia To Ukraine

Bombs of white hot phosphorus From Russia To Ukraine

Thieves stealing from cars

Thieves stealing from cars

female officer assaulted by man

female officer assaulted by man

Russian tank running scared from Ukrainians

Russian tank running scared from Ukrainians