Learn the taut line hitch!

Learn the taut line hitch!

Whipping for Webelos

Whipping for Webelos

Cubmaster Minute: The Unknown Scout

Cubmaster Minute: The Unknown Scout

The overhand knot

The overhand knot

Boom chicka boom! Song

Boom chicka boom! Song

The invisible bench skit

The invisible bench skit





Camp Cooking Foil Packs

Camp Cooking Foil Packs

Campfire Ash Ceremony

Campfire Ash Ceremony

Webelos skills: Starting a fire without matches

Webelos skills: Starting a fire without matches

Two Half Hitch

Two Half Hitch

Pack udate and scouting from home

Pack udate and scouting from home

How to tie the square knot.

How to tie the square knot.

How to properly use hand sanitizer.

How to properly use hand sanitizer.

How to wash your hands correctly

How to wash your hands correctly

Scouting from home and staying clean

Scouting from home and staying clean