Landscape World Paving Display 2022

Landscape World Paving Display 2022

Patio Re-jointing using A-Joint Ready

Patio Re-jointing using A-Joint Ready

Patio Construction Using Steintec Mortars and Primers

Patio Construction Using Steintec Mortars and Primers

Patio Construction Using Steintec Mortars Part 2: Tufftop

Patio Construction Using Steintec Mortars Part 2: Tufftop

Bedding, Priming and Jointing using the FUGA PAVE system

Bedding, Priming and Jointing using the FUGA PAVE system

Jointing Paving with Steintec tufftop

Jointing Paving with Steintec tufftop

Patio Construction Using Steintec Mortars - Part 1: Tuffbed and Tuffbond

Patio Construction Using Steintec Mortars - Part 1: Tuffbed and Tuffbond

Easihold Resin Binder

Easihold Resin Binder

Installing Core Edge HD Steel Path Edgings

Installing Core Edge HD Steel Path Edgings

The basics of kerb laying

The basics of kerb laying

Using a bench saw to cut porcelain paving

Using a bench saw to cut porcelain paving

Using a vacuum lifter to lay flagstones

Using a vacuum lifter to lay flagstones

VDW850 hitchin 2017

VDW850 hitchin 2017

forced action mixer 01

forced action mixer 01

Laying paving on TuffGrit permeable bedding mortar

Laying paving on TuffGrit permeable bedding mortar

Mixing SteinTec TuffGrit 01

Mixing SteinTec TuffGrit 01

Cutting Paving Safely - How NOT to do it!

Cutting Paving Safely - How NOT to do it!

Cutting paving: Dust or no dust?

Cutting paving: Dust or no dust?

Moist Mix Bedding and Haunching Mortar

Moist Mix Bedding and Haunching Mortar

A Paddle Mixer

A Paddle Mixer

Tumble Action Mixer

Tumble Action Mixer

Jointing around a Recess Tray Cover

Jointing around a Recess Tray Cover

Jointing a residential patio with Gftk 815+ resin mortar

Jointing a residential patio with Gftk 815+ resin mortar

GftK VDW 850 PLUS Pavement Jointing Mortar

GftK VDW 850 PLUS Pavement Jointing Mortar

GapFast Paving Spacers

GapFast Paving Spacers

GftK 850 PLUS Pavement Jointing Mortar

GftK 850 PLUS Pavement Jointing Mortar

Tarmacadam patch repair in residential road

Tarmacadam patch repair in residential road

2015 Paving Display at Landscape World

2015 Paving Display at Landscape World

Using a mallet to consolidate flags

Using a mallet to consolidate flags

Jointing a pavement with Gftk 815+ resin mortar

Jointing a pavement with Gftk 815+ resin mortar