I built a GPT model in 10 hours

I built a GPT model in 10 hours

What’s changed in AlphaFold 3?

What’s changed in AlphaFold 3?

How I used AI to understand a huge codebase

How I used AI to understand a huge codebase

How AlphaFold solves protein folding

How AlphaFold solves protein folding

What *is* a photon?

What *is* a photon?

What can my homemade quantum computer do?

What can my homemade quantum computer do?

I made a (useless) quantum computer at home

I made a (useless) quantum computer at home

I don't know why light slows down in water. (part 2)

I don't know why light slows down in water. (part 2)

I didn't believe that light slows down in water (part 1)

I didn't believe that light slows down in water (part 1)

I did the double slit experiment at home

I did the double slit experiment at home

"bad at math" is a myth

It's possible to prove the Born Rule of quantum mechanics

It's possible to prove the Born Rule of quantum mechanics

The biggest problem in the Many Worlds theory of quantum mechanics

The biggest problem in the Many Worlds theory of quantum mechanics

How is energy conserved in Many Worlds?

How is energy conserved in Many Worlds?

If there are “Many Worlds

If there are “Many Worlds" why don’t you experience it?

"Many Worlds" is a simplification of quantum mechanics

Making a mathematical mural

Making a mathematical mural

This calculation tells you your chances of being sick

This calculation tells you your chances of being sick

Is entanglement the key to quantum computing?

Is entanglement the key to quantum computing?

What math research feels like (for me)

What math research feels like (for me)

Should you do a PhD? | PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge

Should you do a PhD? | PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge

🎄 Making an overly math-y (ugly) Christmas tree 🎄

🎄 Making an overly math-y (ugly) Christmas tree 🎄

Coronavirus: why you should stay home

Coronavirus: why you should stay home

How to learn Quantum Mechanics on your own (a self-study guide)

How to learn Quantum Mechanics on your own (a self-study guide)

Electrons aren’t actual waves

Electrons aren’t actual waves

From being terrible at math to a quantum physicist - my journey

From being terrible at math to a quantum physicist - my journey

How to take a scientific approach to charity

How to take a scientific approach to charity

The meaning of the dot product | Linear algebra makes sense

The meaning of the dot product | Linear algebra makes sense

Change of basis explained simply | Linear algebra makes sense

Change of basis explained simply | Linear algebra makes sense

เมทริกซ์ผกผันทำให้รู้สึก: เงื่อนไขที่เรียบง่ายเมื่อมีอยู่ตรงกันข้าม

เมทริกซ์ผกผันทำให้รู้สึก: เงื่อนไขที่เรียบง่ายเมื่อมีอยู่ตรงกันข้าม