Mechanism 影片製作 3D Animation Showcase

Mechanism 影片製作 3D Animation Showcase

Simulate Gait Cycle - Linkage with 3ds max Bones

Simulate Gait Cycle - Linkage with 3ds max Bones

Geneva Mechanism 日內瓦機構 MaxScript

Geneva Mechanism 日內瓦機構 MaxScript

Cycloidal Reducer 擺線減速機

Cycloidal Reducer 擺線減速機

行星式齒輪 Gearboxes, Planetary Gear

行星式齒輪 Gearboxes, Planetary Gear

Stacker Forklift 堆高機、起重機, 油壓升降機 3D Animation

Stacker Forklift 堆高機、起重機, 油壓升降機 3D Animation

RayFire - Crusher Demolition 破碎機 - 3D

RayFire - Crusher Demolition 破碎機 - 3D

3D Gear 齒輪與齒輪傳動 Rhino Gear Generator

3D Gear 齒輪與齒輪傳動 Rhino Gear Generator

Granular Snow Sandy - RealFlow Dyverso Solver

Granular Snow Sandy - RealFlow Dyverso Solver

RealFlow Viscosity Liquid Mixer 流體攪拌設備

RealFlow Viscosity Liquid Mixer 流體攪拌設備

RealFlow Polymesh + Caustic Lighting

RealFlow Polymesh + Caustic Lighting

Planet Gears 行星齒輪

Planet Gears 行星齒輪