I put THREE Jet Engines on a Mini Truck!

I put THREE Jet Engines on a Mini Truck!

How many rubber bands does it take to power a car?

How many rubber bands does it take to power a car?

How many hoverboards does it take to power a car?

How many hoverboards does it take to power a car?

I regret inventing Tank Boots

I regret inventing Tank Boots

My desk won't stop moving while I make this video

My desk won't stop moving while I make this video

I built secret Nerf missiles

I built secret Nerf missiles

Can my Barbie toy beat 4 real Corvettes?

Can my Barbie toy beat 4 real Corvettes?

This piano shocks you if you make a mistake

This piano shocks you if you make a mistake

This Nerf dart fires itself

This Nerf dart fires itself

I built the world's fastest hand dryer

I built the world's fastest hand dryer

Children's toy drag race! (Jet engine)

Children's toy drag race! (Jet engine)

Can you cook a Potato with a Potato?

Can you cook a Potato with a Potato?

I stole Logan Paul's invention (pocket toaster)

I stole Logan Paul's invention (pocket toaster)

I put jet engine onto children's toy

I put jet engine onto children's toy

Real Minecraft Furnace turns coal into electricity!

Real Minecraft Furnace turns coal into electricity!

I made a children's toy beat a real motorcycle

I made a children's toy beat a real motorcycle

World's LONGEST zip string spinner!

World's LONGEST zip string spinner!

Secret extending Lightsaber

Secret extending Lightsaber

Steam engine for Minecart furnace IRL

Steam engine for Minecart furnace IRL

This minecart is real and fast

This minecart is real and fast

REAL Minecraft Minecart on rails! (Pt. 1)

REAL Minecraft Minecart on rails! (Pt. 1)

Reverse Toothpaste (actually works)

Reverse Toothpaste (actually works)

REAL Web Shooter (Spider-Man: No Way Home)

REAL Web Shooter (Spider-Man: No Way Home)

Reverse Toaster (actually works)

Reverse Toaster (actually works)

Barbers hate this one simple invention

Barbers hate this one simple invention

Destroying tomatoes for Integza (& Michael Reeves)

Destroying tomatoes for Integza (& Michael Reeves)

Manscaped rejected my idea

Manscaped rejected my idea

Zero dentists recommend this toothbrush

Zero dentists recommend this toothbrush

Hot glue web shooter - can it lift a car?!

Hot glue web shooter - can it lift a car?!

Hot glue gun 3.0 - Super Soaker!

Hot glue gun 3.0 - Super Soaker!