The bat woman of Wuhan and the origin of COVID

The bat woman of Wuhan and the origin of COVID

China’s troubled relations with Iran, North Korea and Russia

China’s troubled relations with Iran, North Korea and Russia

How to have a perfect, healthy day

How to have a perfect, healthy day

1.4 million km cables drew a US-China undersea tech war

1.4 million km cables drew a US-China undersea tech war

The wisdom of setting life’s goals and objectives

The wisdom of setting life’s goals and objectives

A former PLA soldier hired by Russians gives a reality check on Russia-Ukraine war

A former PLA soldier hired by Russians gives a reality check on Russia-Ukraine war

Why are Chinese officials so corrupt?

Why are Chinese officials so corrupt?

Find Your Strength And Happiness: Let Water's Wisdom Be Your Guide

Find Your Strength And Happiness: Let Water's Wisdom Be Your Guide

4 reasons why China may have 7 times more gold than declared

4 reasons why China may have 7 times more gold than declared

The rise and fall of SenseTime and its face recognition technology

The rise and fall of SenseTime and its face recognition technology

Vietnam-China comparisons and my trip to Vietnam

Vietnam-China comparisons and my trip to Vietnam

Decoding Kim Jong-un’s dangerous moves

Decoding Kim Jong-un’s dangerous moves

How Evergrande dance troupe helped its founder become the richest man in China

How Evergrande dance troupe helped its founder become the richest man in China

Why a US-China war is closer than we think

Why a US-China war is closer than we think

The man who believed Xi Jinping & his demise

The man who believed Xi Jinping & his demise

The woman who dares to challenge Xi Jinping

The woman who dares to challenge Xi Jinping

India vs. China: A Comparative Analysis of Competitiveness

India vs. China: A Comparative Analysis of Competitiveness

[Princeling 2] Xi's Rival and CCP Leader's secret to Political Longevity

[Princeling 2] Xi's Rival and CCP Leader's secret to Political Longevity

[Princeling 1] Xi Jinping’s tumultuous relations with the CCP princelings

[Princeling 1] Xi Jinping’s tumultuous relations with the CCP princelings

China’s 3 goals in creating South China Sea tensions

China’s 3 goals in creating South China Sea tensions

5 hard lessons the West should learn from dealing with the CCP

5 hard lessons the West should learn from dealing with the CCP

Why hasn’t Beijing appointed a new defense minister?

Why hasn’t Beijing appointed a new defense minister?

Why does Xi Jinping trust him more than Liu He with the economy?

Why does Xi Jinping trust him more than Liu He with the economy?

One Chinese firm gives the brutal truth about China’s economy and pending recession

One Chinese firm gives the brutal truth about China’s economy and pending recession

Beijing's three decades of mishandling nuclear waste is troubling

Beijing's three decades of mishandling nuclear waste is troubling

Taiwanese experts on Beijing's

Taiwanese experts on Beijing's "regional war trap" strategy to weaken the U.S.

What will the new People’s Armed Forces do for Beijing?

What will the new People’s Armed Forces do for Beijing?

Does immigration fraud on Canada’s PEI cause U.S. concerns over security?

Does immigration fraud on Canada’s PEI cause U.S. concerns over security?

Why people on Canada’s PEI are concerned with a Chinese Buddhist group

Why people on Canada’s PEI are concerned with a Chinese Buddhist group

How costly is the Wall Street-China breakup after a 40-year relationship?

How costly is the Wall Street-China breakup after a 40-year relationship?