Scrubs - Beep-beep-beep

Scrubs - Beep-beep-beep

The Big Bang Theory - there's no place for truth on the internet

The Big Bang Theory - there's no place for truth on the internet

Gilmore Girls - Friday Night Dinner - Where did all the Anvils go?

Gilmore Girls - Friday Night Dinner - Where did all the Anvils go?

The Big Bang Theory - i'm just talking about bees

The Big Bang Theory - i'm just talking about bees

The Big Bang Theory - Howard, your shoes are delightful!

The Big Bang Theory - Howard, your shoes are delightful!

The Big Bang Theory - it upsets Sheldon when you play with the Sheldon

The Big Bang Theory - it upsets Sheldon when you play with the Sheldon

Gilmore Girls - Friday Night Dinner - Balls are funny!

Gilmore Girls - Friday Night Dinner - Balls are funny!

Gilmore Girls - Town Meeting - We have flying deer?

Gilmore Girls - Town Meeting - We have flying deer?

Gilmore Girls - Friday Night Dinner - God is a Gilmore Girl

Gilmore Girls - Friday Night Dinner - God is a Gilmore Girl

The Big Bang Theory - Yo Raj! Talk to me!

The Big Bang Theory - Yo Raj! Talk to me!

Gilmore Girls - Hug-a-World

Gilmore Girls - Hug-a-World

Gilmore Girls - Luke's Diner - Oh, look, babies!

Gilmore Girls - Luke's Diner - Oh, look, babies!

Gilmore Girls - Town Meeting - Cart, Kiosk, Cart/Kiosk

Gilmore Girls - Town Meeting - Cart, Kiosk, Cart/Kiosk