Planned obsolescence is killing us (philosophically)

Planned obsolescence is killing us (philosophically)

The philosophy of running trends

The philosophy of running trends

How Smoking Improved My Life

How Smoking Improved My Life

Dopamine detox according to Thoreau and Virgil Abloh

Dopamine detox according to Thoreau and Virgil Abloh

The self-destructive nature of self-help

The self-destructive nature of self-help

to be utterly unremarkable

to be utterly unremarkable

Entering our peasant era

Entering our peasant era

I hate sunny days

I hate sunny days

The harder you work the better you are

The harder you work the better you are

Loving your job is a mental illness

Loving your job is a mental illness

True Monogamy in the Digital Era: Is It Still Possible?

True Monogamy in the Digital Era: Is It Still Possible?

Absurdism and enjoying a meaningless life

Absurdism and enjoying a meaningless life

Would life suck in a jobless society?

Would life suck in a jobless society?

The ugliest philosopher of all time

The ugliest philosopher of all time

What your favorite branch of philosophy says about you

What your favorite branch of philosophy says about you

I often think about Jake Paul

I often think about Jake Paul

Why I'm studying philosophy

Why I'm studying philosophy

Starting over when it seems too late (I'm starting uni at 25)

Starting over when it seems too late (I'm starting uni at 25)

The unsexy reality of hookup culture (my hoe to celibacy pipeline)

The unsexy reality of hookup culture (my hoe to celibacy pipeline)

Dealing with men is impossible

Dealing with men is impossible

People who hate cats are underdeveloped babies

People who hate cats are underdeveloped babies

My philosophy degree is worthless

My philosophy degree is worthless

Living with my parents at 25 was not the plan..

Living with my parents at 25 was not the plan..

I shop therefore I am - Commodification of identity

I shop therefore I am - Commodification of identity

how and why people misunderstand Nietzsche

how and why people misunderstand Nietzsche

the reality of living in scandinavia

the reality of living in scandinavia

I have no friends at 24

I have no friends at 24

How to start reading philosophy? 3-2-1 go

How to start reading philosophy? 3-2-1 go