Can you shift your thinking away from events and focus on embedding your work ?

Can you shift your thinking away from events and focus on embedding your work ?

Are you creating too much and not promoting enough?

Are you creating too much and not promoting enough?

Are you adding or integrating?

Are you adding or integrating?

Is it self-help or is it about helping yourself?

Is it self-help or is it about helping yourself?

To ruminate or to savor, that is the question!

To ruminate or to savor, that is the question!

Are you a thought leader or an influencer?

Are you a thought leader or an influencer?

Are you only offering appetizers?

Are you only offering appetizers?

What can thought leaders learn from fly paper?

What can thought leaders learn from fly paper?

Ahh, that's a great question!

Ahh, that's a great question!

Do you know who adores you? Do you know who endures you?

Do you know who adores you? Do you know who endures you?

Do you focus more on content than context?

Do you focus more on content than context?

Do you know the moments that matter most to your clients?

Do you know the moments that matter most to your clients?

There are 3 types of thought leaders. Which type are you?

There are 3 types of thought leaders. Which type are you?

Who has the Bigger Budget?

Who has the Bigger Budget?

Are you in the question business or the answer business?

Are you in the question business or the answer business?

Your book is not your business!

Your book is not your business!

How can you effectively prioritize without having the clarity you need to have?

How can you effectively prioritize without having the clarity you need to have?

Are you conflating business development with thought leadership development?

Are you conflating business development with thought leadership development?

Testimonial - Alex Draper - DX Learning Solutions

Testimonial - Alex Draper - DX Learning Solutions

Are you sabotaging yourself as a thought leader?

Are you sabotaging yourself as a thought leader?

Is your thought leadership more polished than it is relevant?

Is your thought leadership more polished than it is relevant?

Can you apply some of your

Can you apply some of your "old" thought leadership to a new situation?

Do you know when to educate, propose a solution or showcase your capabilities?

Do you know when to educate, propose a solution or showcase your capabilities?

Are you creating or monetizing?

Are you creating or monetizing?

Are you more dependent on hacks than systems and processes?

Are you more dependent on hacks than systems and processes?

How do you combine content development with business development?

How do you combine content development with business development?

Is your work interesting AND impactful?

Is your work interesting AND impactful?

Is your work valid AND valuable?

Is your work valid AND valuable?

Do you know who owns the problem?

Do you know who owns the problem?

Do you need to be in the room or in the zoom to create value?

Do you need to be in the room or in the zoom to create value?