A new chapter...

A new chapter...

The Slasher Formula of

The Slasher Formula of "The Fall of the House of Usher" Doesn't Work

Convincing you to play ‘Outer Wilds’ without spoiling the magic

Convincing you to play ‘Outer Wilds’ without spoiling the magic


Disney's "Star Wars" | How to Destroy a Legacy

Men in Black | When Escapist Movies still had Good Writing

Men in Black | When Escapist Movies still had Good Writing

Why Fincher's popcorn thriller was his hardest film to make

Why Fincher's popcorn thriller was his hardest film to make


HBO's "The Last of Us" loses too much of the game's essence


Why "Under the Silver Lake" is a Modern Noire Masterpiece


How "Doctor Sleep" Reconciles with King & Kubrick

Studio Ghibli's Unintended Anti-War Masterpiece

Studio Ghibli's Unintended Anti-War Masterpiece

Why YouTubers quit making videos

Why YouTubers quit making videos


Why "How I Met Your Mother" is My Comfort Show

"Memento" in Chronological Order | The Dark Side of Leonard

The Failed Potential of the Dark Universe

The Failed Potential of the Dark Universe


What "Cyberpunk 2077" should learn from "No Man's Sky"

The Queen's Gambit & The Beauty of the Game of Chess

The Queen's Gambit & The Beauty of the Game of Chess

The Filmography of David Fincher (a supercut/tribute)

The Filmography of David Fincher (a supercut/tribute)

"Adventureland" is a Seriously Slept on Coming of Age Classic


Why "Titanic" is a Timeless Classic

Contagion | How a Virus Spreads (and how it's stopped)

Contagion | How a Virus Spreads (and how it's stopped)

Exploring Visual Language and Symbolism in

Exploring Visual Language and Symbolism in "Parasite"

Mad Max Fury Road | Filming the Impossible

Mad Max Fury Road | Filming the Impossible

"The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is the Most Important Cult Film Ever Made

It Follows and the Fear of Getting Old

It Follows and the Fear of Getting Old

Quentin Tarantino's Jukebox | How a Soundtrack Makes a Movie

Quentin Tarantino's Jukebox | How a Soundtrack Makes a Movie

Lost in Translation & The Language of Love

Lost in Translation & The Language of Love


How "Game of Thrones" Killed What Made it Great


Why "Game of Thrones" Final Season is a Massive Disappointment

Kung Fu Hustle | A Love Letter to Hong Kong Action Cinema

Kung Fu Hustle | A Love Letter to Hong Kong Action Cinema

Alfonso Cuarón's

Alfonso Cuarón's "Roma" is a Cinematic Masterpiece