The Desperate Flight to Valinor | Numenor Saga 2 | Middle-earth Lore

The Desperate Flight to Valinor | Numenor Saga 2 | Middle-earth Lore

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Mirkwood: The Place of Nightmares | Middle-earth Lore

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Nazgûl: Becoming the Ringwraiths | A Grim tale of death and destruction

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The Rise of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur

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The Duel of an Age: Fingolfin takes on Morgoth in a match to the death.

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The Greatest Elf of all-time and his foolhardy brother. Middle-earth lore

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Extreme Violence of Orcs. Middle-earth explained.

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Minas Ithil Sacked by the Witch-King. Middle-earth explained.

The Witch King's Orcs in Mordor. Middle-earth History

The Witch King's Orcs in Mordor. Middle-earth History

The Undead Commander of Legions: The Witch King. Middle-earth lore

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Sauron Gifts the Rings of Power to the Dwarves

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Becoming the Witch King. The Tragedy of a Man Who Lost His Soul to Sauron.

Becoming the Witch King. The Tragedy of a Man Who Lost His Soul to Sauron.