How to Build a Summer Reading List

How to Build a Summer Reading List

Some Cool Books: Visiting Turtle Island, the Middle Kingdom and the outdoors

Some Cool Books: Visiting Turtle Island, the Middle Kingdom and the outdoors

Looking Forward to 2024: Currently reading and to-read stacks

Looking Forward to 2024: Currently reading and to-read stacks

Reading Recap 2023

Reading Recap 2023

Traditional Chinese Literature - 中國文學

Traditional Chinese Literature - 中國文學

Light Summer Reads

Light Summer Reads

Bookshelf Tour ♾️: Fin-de-siecle to Bottom's Dream

Bookshelf Tour ♾️: Fin-de-siecle to Bottom's Dream

Bookshelf Tour ♾️: Caroline to 1899

Bookshelf Tour ♾️: Caroline to 1899

Bookshelf Tour ♾️: From Gilgamesh to Milton

Bookshelf Tour ♾️: From Gilgamesh to Milton

Musil, Miquel de Palol, Ruskin and Newman

Musil, Miquel de Palol, Ruskin and Newman

Recently Bought: Boas, Saintsbury, Goncharov, Berry

Recently Bought: Boas, Saintsbury, Goncharov, Berry

Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy: Initial Thoughts

Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy: Initial Thoughts

The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy: Initial Thoughts

The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy: Initial Thoughts

Back to Basics: Thoughts on the Origins of Our Time

Back to Basics: Thoughts on the Origins of Our Time

Currently Reading: O'Brien, Gaddis, Eliot, Moore

Currently Reading: O'Brien, Gaddis, Eliot, Moore

Remembrance of Things Past: Thomas Browne

Remembrance of Things Past: Thomas Browne

A Brief Introduction to Aby Warburg

A Brief Introduction to Aby Warburg

Eliot, Hammad, Turgenev, Hofmannsthal etc

Eliot, Hammad, Turgenev, Hofmannsthal etc

Artorius by John Heath-Stubbs

Artorius by John Heath-Stubbs

Recent Book Aquisitions

Recent Book Aquisitions

How is this going to continue? by James Chapman

How is this going to continue? by James Chapman

To the Heart of William Goyen

To the Heart of William Goyen

Bookshelf Tour No. 3 Mov. II From the Beginning

Bookshelf Tour No. 3 Mov. II From the Beginning

To Save Russia

To Save Russia

Book Shelf Tour No. 3 Mov. I Modernism in English

Book Shelf Tour No. 3 Mov. I Modernism in English

Two New McCarthy Novels! The Passenger and Stella Maris

Two New McCarthy Novels! The Passenger and Stella Maris

The Cornell Circle: Pynchon & Friends

The Cornell Circle: Pynchon & Friends

A Defense of Blood Meridian

A Defense of Blood Meridian

Libros en español

Libros en español

R. G. Vliet: A Texas Writer

R. G. Vliet: A Texas Writer