Nesting blue tits leaving the nest - Last few hours which wasn't accessible.

Nesting blue tits leaving the nest - Last few hours which wasn't accessible.

Male Tawny Owl brings a mouse to the female

Male Tawny Owl brings a mouse to the female

RARE FOX BEHAVIOUR caught on live camera - Succesful mating

RARE FOX BEHAVIOUR caught on live camera - Succesful mating

MATING FOXES Caught on live camera - Extremely rare Footage !

MATING FOXES Caught on live camera - Extremely rare Footage !

Fox and Marten arrives shortly after Mortens snack delivery.

Fox and Marten arrives shortly after Mortens snack delivery.

Polecat family with 5 small kittens - Caught on live forest camera

Polecat family with 5 small kittens - Caught on live forest camera

Sparrowhawk attacks chaffinch..

Sparrowhawk attacks chaffinch..

OTTER visiting the livestream for the first time :)

OTTER visiting the livestream for the first time :)

Jay Chicks Begging Parents for Food

Jay Chicks Begging Parents for Food

Fox Stung By Wasp Jumps Up A Tree

Fox Stung By Wasp Jumps Up A Tree

Thunderstorm and heavy Rain in the Forest - 3 hours relaxing sounds - day and night

Thunderstorm and heavy Rain in the Forest - 3 hours relaxing sounds - day and night

Wildlife Livestream - Best Moments | Morten Hilmer is commenting

Wildlife Livestream - Best Moments | Morten Hilmer is commenting

Wildlife Livestream in the News on Danish television

Wildlife Livestream in the News on Danish television

The story behind our 8 million views Livestream - How it all started

The story behind our 8 million views Livestream - How it all started