Grace reads

Grace reads "Brown Bear" to Hope

Grace Plays

Grace Plays "Doggie Doo"

Happy birthday Jesus!!

Happy birthday Jesus!!

Grace tries to jump like Crosby

Grace tries to jump like Crosby

Grace tries sushi:)

Grace tries sushi:)

Grace and Hope Headbanging

Grace and Hope Headbanging

Israeli PM Netanyahu's

Israeli PM Netanyahu's "Clear Red Line" Speech To U.N.

Barack & Michelle Obama on the

Barack & Michelle Obama on the "View" [Complete]

Hope crawling after Grace

Hope crawling after Grace

Grace cleaning

Grace cleaning

Girl's cracking each other up

Girl's cracking each other up

Laughing over bubbles

Laughing over bubbles

Yucking It Up at Grocery Store

Yucking It Up at Grocery Store

Grace present from Uncle Kevin & Aunt Trisha

Grace present from Uncle Kevin & Aunt Trisha

Grace's first pony ride

Grace's first pony ride

Grace and Mercy at the park

Grace and Mercy at the park

Grace loves Hope

Grace loves Hope

Grace putting her clothes away

Grace putting her clothes away

Grace helping mom with dishes

Grace helping mom with dishes

Monkey at Grace's school

Monkey at Grace's school

Mommy in training

Mommy in training

Gingrich Takes Center Seat On Fox's

Gingrich Takes Center Seat On Fox's "Special Report"


Cain: "I Don't Even Know Who This Woman Is--There Will Probably Be Others..."

Don't Feed Dada

Don't Feed Dada

Gov. Christie At Reagan Library (Full Speech/Q&A)

Gov. Christie At Reagan Library (Full Speech/Q&A)

Grace at pool shower

Grace at pool shower

Grace gets vacuum

Grace gets vacuum

Grace's new broom and dust pan from Grammy & Grampy

Grace's new broom and dust pan from Grammy & Grampy

Obama's Full Speech To Solyndra (May 26, 2010)

Obama's Full Speech To Solyndra (May 26, 2010)

Grace with her new doll

Grace with her new doll