

Pattern Making: Draft a Size 42 Dress Pattern in 10 minutes

Pattern Making: Draft a Size 42 Dress Pattern in 10 minutes

Lesson 1: Drawing the Skeletal Structure of the Model

Lesson 1: Drawing the Skeletal Structure of the Model

Lesson 5: Drawing the Model's Hair

Lesson 5: Drawing the Model's Hair

Lesson 3: Drawing the Fashion Figure over the Skeletal Structure

Lesson 3: Drawing the Fashion Figure over the Skeletal Structure

Basic Tools and Materials for Fashion Illustration

Basic Tools and Materials for Fashion Illustration

Lesson 4: Clothing the Model

Lesson 4: Clothing the Model

Lesson 2: Tracing the Skeletal Structure of the Model

Lesson 2: Tracing the Skeletal Structure of the Model

Lesson 6: Drawing the Facial Features of the Model

Lesson 6: Drawing the Facial Features of the Model

Lesson 7: Coloring The Model and Shading the Model's Outfit

Lesson 7: Coloring The Model and Shading the Model's Outfit

Steps in Fashion Illustration

Steps in Fashion Illustration