Qu̲e̲e̲nsryche - Operation Mindcrime (Full Album) 1988

Qu̲e̲e̲nsryche - Operation Mindcrime (Full Album) 1988

Kans̲a̲s̲ - Monolith (Full Album) 1979

Kans̲a̲s̲ - Monolith (Full Album) 1979

P̲ink F̲lo̲yd - The W̲all Full Album 1979

P̲ink F̲lo̲yd - The W̲all Full Album 1979

M̲e̲at L̲oaf - D̲e̲ad R̲inger (Full Album) 1981

M̲e̲at L̲oaf - D̲e̲ad R̲inger (Full Album) 1981

Swe̲e̲t - G̲ive Us A W̲ink (Full Album) 1976

Swe̲e̲t - G̲ive Us A W̲ink (Full Album) 1976

J̲im S̲teinman - B̲ad For G̲ood (Full Album) 1981

J̲im S̲teinman - B̲ad For G̲ood (Full Album) 1981

The F̲our S̲e̲asons - Who L̲o̲ves You (Full Album) 1975

The F̲our S̲e̲asons - Who L̲o̲ves You (Full Album) 1975

The Swe̲e̲t - F̲unny How Swe̲e̲t Co-Co Can Be (Full Album) 1971

The Swe̲e̲t - F̲unny How Swe̲e̲t Co-Co Can Be (Full Album) 1971

C̲a̲mel - B̲reathles̲s̲ (Full Album) 1978

C̲a̲mel - B̲reathles̲s̲ (Full Album) 1978

T̲o̲to - The S̲e̲venth One (Full Album) 1988

T̲o̲to - The S̲e̲venth One (Full Album) 1988

B̲lue C̲heer - O̲u̲tsideinside (Full Album) 1968

B̲lue C̲heer - O̲u̲tsideinside (Full Album) 1968

L̲o̲ve - F̲orever C̲hanges (Full Album) 1967

L̲o̲ve - F̲orever C̲hanges (Full Album) 1967

S̲yd B̲arrett - The M̲a̲dcap L̲aughs (Full Album) 1970

S̲yd B̲arrett - The M̲a̲dcap L̲aughs (Full Album) 1970

The A̲lan P̲a̲rso̲ns P̲roje̲ct - P̲y̲ramid (Full Album) 1978

The A̲lan P̲a̲rso̲ns P̲roje̲ct - P̲y̲ramid (Full Album) 1978

E̲lton J̲ohn - T̲umblewe̲e̲d C̲o̲nnection (Full Album) 1970

E̲lton J̲ohn - T̲umblewe̲e̲d C̲o̲nnection (Full Album) 1970

Ai̲r̲ S̲upply - N̲ow And F̲orever (Full Album) 1982

Ai̲r̲ S̲upply - N̲ow And F̲orever (Full Album) 1982

Ai̲r̲ S̲upply - L̲o̲st In L̲o̲ve (Full Album) 1980

Ai̲r̲ S̲upply - L̲o̲st In L̲o̲ve (Full Album) 1980

R̲o̲d S̲t̲ewart - A N̲ight On The T̲own (Full Album) 1976

R̲o̲d S̲t̲ewart - A N̲ight On The T̲own (Full Album) 1976

Jef̲f̲ B̲eck - T̲ruth (Full Album) 1968

Jef̲f̲ B̲eck - T̲ruth (Full Album) 1968

Dav̲i̲d B̲o̲wie - S̲cary M̲o̲nsters (Full Album) 1980

Dav̲i̲d B̲o̲wie - S̲cary M̲o̲nsters (Full Album) 1980

The Swe̲e̲t - D̲e̲s̲olation B̲o̲ulevard (Full Album) 1974

The Swe̲e̲t - D̲e̲s̲olation B̲o̲ulevard (Full Album) 1974

M̲ott The H̲oople - All The J̲o̲ung D̲udes (Full Album) 1972

M̲ott The H̲oople - All The J̲o̲ung D̲udes (Full Album) 1972

Ye̲s̲ - C̲las̲s̲ic Ye̲s̲ (Full Album) 1981

Ye̲s̲ - C̲las̲s̲ic Ye̲s̲ (Full Album) 1981

Ye̲s̲ - T̲o̲rmato (Full Album) 1978

Ye̲s̲ - T̲o̲rmato (Full Album) 1978

Ye̲s̲ - G̲o̲ing For The O̲ne (Full Album) 1977

Ye̲s̲ - G̲o̲ing For The O̲ne (Full Album) 1977

Ye̲s̲ - Ye̲s̲ (Full Album) 1971

Ye̲s̲ - Ye̲s̲ (Full Album) 1971

Ste̲e̲ly D̲an - The R̲o̲yal S̲cam (Full Album) 1976

Ste̲e̲ly D̲an - The R̲o̲yal S̲cam (Full Album) 1976

The P̲o̲lice - O̲u̲tlandos d'A̲mour (Full Album) 1978

The P̲o̲lice - O̲u̲tlandos d'A̲mour (Full Album) 1978

B̲u̲zzco̲cks - S̲ingles Going S̲teady (Full Album) 1979

B̲u̲zzco̲cks - S̲ingles Going S̲teady (Full Album) 1979

P̲a̲tti S̲mith - H̲orses (Full Album) 1975

P̲a̲tti S̲mith - H̲orses (Full Album) 1975