姜蓉烧鸡饭,嫩滑的烧鸡搭配上浓郁的姜蓉酱,配上鸡饭一口下去好吃到爆Roasted Chicken with Ginger sauce, Very delicious

姜蓉烧鸡饭,嫩滑的烧鸡搭配上浓郁的姜蓉酱,配上鸡饭一口下去好吃到爆Roasted Chicken with Ginger sauce, Very delicious

越南香茅鸡,微微焦香,酱汁酸辣开胃,米粉细腻的口感,吸收了香茅鸡上的香气和酱汁的味道,非常的好吃Vietnamese lemongrass chicken, slightly burnt

越南香茅鸡,微微焦香,酱汁酸辣开胃,米粉细腻的口感,吸收了香茅鸡上的香气和酱汁的味道,非常的好吃Vietnamese lemongrass chicken, slightly burnt

香茅焖猪肉,软烂入味,又香又下饭,超级的好吃,做法一点也不难Braised pork with lemongrass is soft and tasty, fragrant and delicious

香茅焖猪肉,软烂入味,又香又下饭,超级的好吃,做法一点也不难Braised pork with lemongrass is soft and tasty, fragrant and delicious

番茄酱油鸡,香甜嫩滑,口感丰富,炒鸡好吃又下饭,记得准备多两碗米饭Tomato soy butter chicken, sweet and smooth, rich taste, delicious

番茄酱油鸡,香甜嫩滑,口感丰富,炒鸡好吃又下饭,记得准备多两碗米饭Tomato soy butter chicken, sweet and smooth, rich taste, delicious

家常马铃薯炒鸡,鲜嫩多汁,味道浓郁,口感香脆,配上米饭两碗都不够吃,做法简单又容易Home-cooked Stir Fry chicken with potatoes

家常马铃薯炒鸡,鲜嫩多汁,味道浓郁,口感香脆,配上米饭两碗都不够吃,做法简单又容易Home-cooked Stir Fry chicken with potatoes

紫菜鸡肉卷,金黄酥脆,口感丰富,非常的好吃,一口一个绝对停不下来,做法简单又容易,点上泰式辣椒酱更加的好吃Seaweed chicken rolls are golden and crispy

紫菜鸡肉卷,金黄酥脆,口感丰富,非常的好吃,一口一个绝对停不下来,做法简单又容易,点上泰式辣椒酱更加的好吃Seaweed chicken rolls are golden and crispy

泰式炸Kangkung,金黄酥脆,非常的好吃,做法简单又容易Thai style Deep fried Kangkung, golden and crispy, very delicious

泰式炸Kangkung,金黄酥脆,非常的好吃,做法简单又容易Thai style Deep fried Kangkung, golden and crispy, very delicious

小辣椒炒饭Nasi Goreng Cili Padi,香辣开胃,锅气十足,吃上一口绝对停不下来,做法简单又容易Nasi Goreng Cili Padi, spicy and appetizing

小辣椒炒饭Nasi Goreng Cili Padi,香辣开胃,锅气十足,吃上一口绝对停不下来,做法简单又容易Nasi Goreng Cili Padi, spicy and appetizing

简单版的麻婆豆腐,麻辣鲜香,非常的好吃又下饭,做法超级的简单 A simple version of Mapo Tofu, spicy and tasty, very delicious

简单版的麻婆豆腐,麻辣鲜香,非常的好吃又下饭,做法超级的简单 A simple version of Mapo Tofu, spicy and tasty, very delicious

青葱炒花肉,葱想浓郁,香嫩入味,非常的好吃又下饭,做法简单超级容易Stir-fried pork belly with green onions. Full of green onions aroma

青葱炒花肉,葱想浓郁,香嫩入味,非常的好吃又下饭,做法简单超级容易Stir-fried pork belly with green onions. Full of green onions aroma

泰式酱油焖鸡,酱香浓郁,鲜嫩多汁,滑嫩入味,超级的好吃,沾上自制的泰式酸辣酱,味道直接提升一个等级Thai-style braised chicken with soy sauce

泰式酱油焖鸡,酱香浓郁,鲜嫩多汁,滑嫩入味,超级的好吃,沾上自制的泰式酸辣酱,味道直接提升一个等级Thai-style braised chicken with soy sauce

香菜炒鸡蛋,鲜香滑嫩,带着满满香菜的味道,好吃又下饭,做法简单容易,记得米饭一定要准备多一点Fried eggs with coriander are fresh and smooth

香菜炒鸡蛋,鲜香滑嫩,带着满满香菜的味道,好吃又下饭,做法简单容易,记得米饭一定要准备多一点Fried eggs with coriander are fresh and smooth

泰式青咖喱鸡,又香又辣又好吃,还特别的下饭,做法容易一点也不难Thai green curry chicken is fragrant, spicy and delicious.

泰式青咖喱鸡,又香又辣又好吃,还特别的下饭,做法容易一点也不难Thai green curry chicken is fragrant, spicy and delicious.

泰式蒜米炒肉,蒜香浓郁,肥而不腻,超级好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易,配上两碗米饭都不够吃Thai garlic stir-fried pork, rich in garlic aroma

泰式蒜米炒肉,蒜香浓郁,肥而不腻,超级好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易,配上两碗米饭都不够吃Thai garlic stir-fried pork, rich in garlic aroma

炸otak-otak蛋豆腐,外酥里嫩,非常的好吃,一口一个绝对停不下来,做法简单,一点也不难Fried otak-otak egg tofu is crispy and tender

炸otak-otak蛋豆腐,外酥里嫩,非常的好吃,一口一个绝对停不下来,做法简单,一点也不难Fried otak-otak egg tofu is crispy and tender

自制Tomyam炒鸡,香辣开胃,满满的Tomyam味道,非常的好吃又下饭,只加了一勺鱼露,没有其他调味料,营养又健康Homemade Stir Fry Tomyam Fried chicken

自制Tomyam炒鸡,香辣开胃,满满的Tomyam味道,非常的好吃又下饭,只加了一勺鱼露,没有其他调味料,营养又健康Homemade Stir Fry Tomyam Fried chicken

番茄滑柔,酸爽开胃,肉质鲜嫩,好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易,大人小孩抢着吃Tomato pork are smooth, sour and appetizing, the meat is fresh

番茄滑柔,酸爽开胃,肉质鲜嫩,好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易,大人小孩抢着吃Tomato pork are smooth, sour and appetizing, the meat is fresh

蛋豆腐炒肉碎,简单又好吃,非常的下饭,记得准备多一点米饭,怕你不够吃Stir-fried egg tofu with minced meat, simple and delicious

蛋豆腐炒肉碎,简单又好吃,非常的下饭,记得准备多一点米饭,怕你不够吃Stir-fried egg tofu with minced meat, simple and delicious

泰式香茅蒸鸡,鲜嫩入味,非常的开胃又好吃,做法简单又容易,蒸出来的汤汁清甜可口,超级的下饭Thai style steamed chicken with lemongrass,

泰式香茅蒸鸡,鲜嫩入味,非常的开胃又好吃,做法简单又容易,蒸出来的汤汁清甜可口,超级的下饭Thai style steamed chicken with lemongrass,

东坡肉,软烂Q弹,肥而不腻,非常入味又好吃,做法一点不难Dongpo pork is soft and tender, fat but not greasy, very tasty

东坡肉,软烂Q弹,肥而不腻,非常入味又好吃,做法一点不难Dongpo pork is soft and tender, fat but not greasy, very tasty

南瓜炒鸡,鸡肉滑嫩入味,配上浓浓的南瓜酱汁,非常的好吃又下饭,记得一定要准备多一点米饭Stir Fry chicken with pumpkin, the chicken is tender

南瓜炒鸡,鸡肉滑嫩入味,配上浓浓的南瓜酱汁,非常的好吃又下饭,记得一定要准备多一点米饭Stir Fry chicken with pumpkin, the chicken is tender

冬菜蒸肉饼,鲜香滑嫩,好吃又下饭,做法快速简单,蒸出来多余的汤汁鲜甜可口Steam Minced Pork with Dong Cai, fresh, smooth and tender

冬菜蒸肉饼,鲜香滑嫩,好吃又下饭,做法快速简单,蒸出来多余的汤汁鲜甜可口Steam Minced Pork with Dong Cai, fresh, smooth and tender

Sambal炒鸡胸肉,香辣入味,一点也不柴,非常好吃又下饭,做法一点也不难Stir fry Chicken Breast with Sambal, spicy and tasty, tender

Sambal炒鸡胸肉,香辣入味,一点也不柴,非常好吃又下饭,做法一点也不难Stir fry Chicken Breast with Sambal, spicy and tasty, tender

阿嬷生前最喜欢煮的炒鱼饼,简单又好吃,咸香入味又有弹性,带有酱油的焦香味,两碗米饭都不够吃My grandma’s favorite fried fish cake was simple

阿嬷生前最喜欢煮的炒鱼饼,简单又好吃,咸香入味又有弹性,带有酱油的焦香味,两碗米饭都不够吃My grandma’s favorite fried fish cake was simple

菜心炒马蹄肉饼,好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易Stir-fried water chestnut meat with choy sum, delicious and best for rice

菜心炒马蹄肉饼,好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易Stir-fried water chestnut meat with choy sum, delicious and best for rice

肉碎炸豆腐,外酥里嫩,配上炒香的香菇肉碎,非常好吃又下饭,一人绝对能吃上两碗米饭Fried tofu with minced meat,very delicious and best for rice

肉碎炸豆腐,外酥里嫩,配上炒香的香菇肉碎,非常好吃又下饭,一人绝对能吃上两碗米饭Fried tofu with minced meat,very delicious and best for rice

烧肉炒芥兰菜,简单好吃又下饭,记得准备多一点米饭,要不然不够吃Stir Fry Roast pork meat with kailan, it’s simple and delicious

烧肉炒芥兰菜,简单好吃又下饭,记得准备多一点米饭,要不然不够吃Stir Fry Roast pork meat with kailan, it’s simple and delicious

Ayam Masak Bawang,甜甜辣辣的,非常开胃,好吃又下饭,配上马铃薯一口一个停不下来,记得准备多一点米饭Ayam Masak Bawang, sweet and spicy

Ayam Masak Bawang,甜甜辣辣的,非常开胃,好吃又下饭,配上马铃薯一口一个停不下来,记得准备多一点米饭Ayam Masak Bawang, sweet and spicy

Sambal炒鸡蛋鱼饼,香辣入味,做法简单又好吃,配上米饭一口接一口的吃,绝对停不下来Fried Sambal with egg and fish cakes, spicy and tasty

Sambal炒鸡蛋鱼饼,香辣入味,做法简单又好吃,配上米饭一口接一口的吃,绝对停不下来Fried Sambal with egg and fish cakes, spicy and tasty

豆腐炒五花肉,简单又好吃,鲜香入味特别的下饭,记得准备多2碗米饭Stir-fried pork belly with tofu is simple and delicious

豆腐炒五花肉,简单又好吃,鲜香入味特别的下饭,记得准备多2碗米饭Stir-fried pork belly with tofu is simple and delicious