Absolute Critique in Tanabe Hajime’s

Absolute Critique in Tanabe Hajime’s "Philosophy as Metanoetics:

Ecological Thinking with Zen Master Dōgen and Friedrich Nietzsche

Ecological Thinking with Zen Master Dōgen and Friedrich Nietzsche

Animal Intelligence: How an Islamic Thinker Questioned Human Exceptionalism

Animal Intelligence: How an Islamic Thinker Questioned Human Exceptionalism

Fanon and Black Male Studies

Fanon and Black Male Studies

Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh

Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh

George Neish

George Neish

George Neish

George Neish

Kate Nave

Kate Nave

Andy Clark

Andy Clark

Adam Toon

Adam Toon

Barbara Webb

Barbara Webb

Friedrich Steinle - Concept dynamics and the realism question

Friedrich Steinle - Concept dynamics and the realism question

The hunt for super symmetric particles (Edinburgh International Science Festival)

The hunt for super symmetric particles (Edinburgh International Science Festival)

David Danks - Cognitive and formal bases of perspectival models

David Danks - Cognitive and formal bases of perspectival models

C Kenneth Waters - Two Senses of Integration

C Kenneth Waters - Two Senses of Integration

Theodore Arabatzis - Perspectival realism about what?

Theodore Arabatzis - Perspectival realism about what?

Margaret Morrison - Models and Methodology

Margaret Morrison - Models and Methodology

Tiziano Camporesi - Perspectival Realism at The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Tiziano Camporesi - Perspectival Realism at The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Anjan Chakravartty - Perspectivism in Science: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Anjan Chakravartty - Perspectivism in Science: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Anya Plutynski - Cancer Modelling and the Advantages and Limitations of Multiple Perspectives

Anya Plutynski - Cancer Modelling and the Advantages and Limitations of Multiple Perspectives

George Heriot's Summer School 2016

George Heriot's Summer School 2016

Habits of the Heart: 8. Somatic Markers Gone Awry

Habits of the Heart: 8. Somatic Markers Gone Awry

Habits of the Heart: 7. Somatic Markers and the Subjective Expected Utility

Habits of the Heart: 7. Somatic Markers and the Subjective Expected Utility

Habits of the Heart: 6. How Would That Make You Feel?

Habits of the Heart: 6. How Would That Make You Feel?

Habits of the Heart: 9. Descartes' Errors?

Habits of the Heart: 9. Descartes' Errors?

Habits of the Heart: 4. Primary and Secondary Emotions

Habits of the Heart: 4. Primary and Secondary Emotions

Adaptive Unconscious: 6. Implicit Bias

Adaptive Unconscious: 6. Implicit Bias

Habits of the Heart: 2. The Ghastly Ordeal of Phineas Gage

Habits of the Heart: 2. The Ghastly Ordeal of Phineas Gage

The Freudian Unconscious: 7. Left Behind?

The Freudian Unconscious: 7. Left Behind?

Habits of the Heart: 1. Practical and Theoretical Rationality

Habits of the Heart: 1. Practical and Theoretical Rationality