Level 39 linecap World Record

Level 39 linecap World Record

The First Time Somebody Has Ever

The First Time Somebody Has Ever "Beat" Tetris







2nd Best 29 Start game in the world. 4.6 million points

2nd Best 29 Start game in the world. 4.6 million points

4 million Pal

4 million Pal

My First Double Rollover in NES Tetris

My First Double Rollover in NES Tetris

3 Million Points in NES Tetris (Level 19 Start)

3 Million Points in NES Tetris (Level 19 Start)

Level 63 1.8

Level 63 1.8

1.6 19 start

1.6 19 start

29 start maxout

29 start maxout

Probably World record for Gameboy Tetris.

Probably World record for Gameboy Tetris.

My first Rollover in NES Tetris

My first Rollover in NES Tetris

1 5 million

1 5 million

1.4 Million!!!!

1.4 Million!!!!

9 Heart 1055 Line run and probably recorded heart Record

9 Heart 1055 Line run and probably recorded heart Record

Rubik's Cube 2x2 5.00 Average of 5 and 5.48 Average of 12!

Rubik's Cube 2x2 5.00 Average of 5 and 5.48 Average of 12!

Part 2 of Gameboy Tetris WR 2,331,445

Part 2 of Gameboy Tetris WR 2,331,445

Part 1 of Gameboy Tetris WR 2,331,445

Part 1 of Gameboy Tetris WR 2,331,445

1,288,480 from a level 19 start on NES Tetris

1,288,480 from a level 19 start on NES Tetris

480,000 29 start

480,000 29 start

1.244 million 19 start and overall PB!

1.244 million 19 start and overall PB!

Level 45!

Level 45!

Level 29 transition!

Level 29 transition!

3 different 29 pbs in the same day

3 different 29 pbs in the same day

First Roll 1.1 and Lines Pb! also not caring where ever the well went.

First Roll 1.1 and Lines Pb! also not caring where ever the well went.

Level 38! 321 lines!

Level 38! 321 lines!

First Ever level 19 maxout!

First Ever level 19 maxout!

1.2 million On NES Tetris!

1.2 million On NES Tetris!