Why you shouldn't kiss a baby...

Why you shouldn't kiss a baby...

"Pretty Woman" - So much for the guy miming it!

Psychotic woman freaks out about relgion and Jesus at an internet cafe

Psychotic woman freaks out about relgion and Jesus at an internet cafe

Gamer Flips Out After Mom Cancels Warcraft Account

Gamer Flips Out After Mom Cancels Warcraft Account

Master Impregnator Fails at Spelling

Master Impregnator Fails at Spelling

A thug life... of a child

A thug life... of a child

THE coolest science teacher ever

THE coolest science teacher ever

Scary Chick Dressed as Tifa Talks About Women's Rights

Scary Chick Dressed as Tifa Talks About Women's Rights

Redheaded kid gets knocked out in a mosh pit... LOL

Redheaded kid gets knocked out in a mosh pit... LOL

Ramsey Gordan almost gets his ass kicked

Ramsey Gordan almost gets his ass kicked

Boxer Dogs Intense Dreaming...

Boxer Dogs Intense Dreaming...

Real Life Napoleon Dynamite - In a females body

Real Life Napoleon Dynamite - In a females body