fatalis optimal flamethrower punish

fatalis optimal flamethrower punish

most useful palico:

most useful palico:

true greatsword moment

true greatsword moment

best honest weapon

best honest weapon

2x 5 pieces i apparently forgot to upload

2x 5 pieces i apparently forgot to upload

fatalis' nova transition headsnipe

fatalis' nova transition headsnipe

backstab cancel in ds2?

backstab cancel in ds2?



bs vacuum

bs vacuum

double wall pull

double wall pull

pov: you forget your inventory layout

pov: you forget your inventory layout

oroboro on havelmom

oroboro on havelmom

"The Curse" shrine of silence on mastermode

peak gameplay

peak gameplay

it's a tripple

it's a tripple

weirdest bs caught in 1440p

weirdest bs caught in 1440p

some long clips piled together with very little effort

some long clips piled together with very little effort

one of my better clips this year

one of my better clips this year

rude double ring build virgin vs cosplay enjoyer

rude double ring build virgin vs cosplay enjoyer

the minimum speed required for 5 piece on hollow (macro)

the minimum speed required for 5 piece on hollow (macro)

flip ring lasted longer than expected

flip ring lasted longer than expected

most optimized build finally makes bss viable

most optimized build finally makes bss viable

swap was so stylish it froze him

swap was so stylish it froze him

the one downside of poise...

the one downside of poise...

Inner Isshin (Demon Bell/Charmless/no Buffs)

Inner Isshin (Demon Bell/Charmless/no Buffs)



invader clones himself and destroys me

invader clones himself and destroys me

how to butcher a clip

how to butcher a clip

fist 4 piece

fist 4 piece

what a parry

what a parry