Gordon's Poultry Puzzle: The Pre-Roasted Chicken Dilemma | Hotel Hell

Gordon's Poultry Puzzle: The Pre-Roasted Chicken Dilemma | Hotel Hell

Living at Work: Gordon's Shocking Discovery | Hotel Hell

Living at Work: Gordon's Shocking Discovery | Hotel Hell

Gordon's Ghostly Hotel & No Reception Experience | Hotel Hell

Gordon's Ghostly Hotel & No Reception Experience | Hotel Hell

“That’s Mac and Cheese?” 😳 | Hotel Hell

“That’s Mac and Cheese?” 😳 | Hotel Hell

Don’t Chew Gum in Front of Gordon 👀 | Hotel Hell

Don’t Chew Gum in Front of Gordon 👀 | Hotel Hell

Dust Disaster:

Dust Disaster: "Something is Growing Up There" | Hotel Hell

Gordon Witnesses One Problem After Another | Hotel Hell

Gordon Witnesses One Problem After Another | Hotel Hell

“It Is Absolutely F**king Disgusting!” 🤢 | Hotel Hell

“It Is Absolutely F**king Disgusting!” 🤢 | Hotel Hell

Gordon Confronts Confusing Cuisine and Disgusting Rooms | Hotel Hell

Gordon Confronts Confusing Cuisine and Disgusting Rooms | Hotel Hell

Customers Voice Their Honest Opinions | Hotel Hell

Customers Voice Their Honest Opinions | Hotel Hell

Unexpected Exhibit: Gordon's Room Draws Tourist Attention | Hotel Hell

Unexpected Exhibit: Gordon's Room Draws Tourist Attention | Hotel Hell

Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Fridge Inspection! 😳🤢 | Hotel Hell

Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Fridge Inspection! 😳🤢 | Hotel Hell

Gordon Checks Into a Fake Four Seasons | Hotel Hell

Gordon Checks Into a Fake Four Seasons | Hotel Hell

Shattered Dreams: Gordon's Bizarre Sushi Experience | Hotel Hell

Shattered Dreams: Gordon's Bizarre Sushi Experience | Hotel Hell