Hacking a Fnirsi DSO152 mini oscilloscope to play Breakout

Hacking a Fnirsi DSO152 mini oscilloscope to play Breakout

Compiling Pascal with a Pascal compiler compiled with a Pascal compiler on the neo6502, in real time

Compiling Pascal with a Pascal compiler compiled with a Pascal compiler on the neo6502, in real time

Porting CP/M-65 to the Olimex neo6502

Porting CP/M-65 to the Olimex neo6502

Porting CP/M to a Brother SuperPowerNote Z80 laptop thing

Porting CP/M to a Brother SuperPowerNote Z80 laptop thing

Inside a cheap and nasty multimeter

Inside a cheap and nasty multimeter

Turning a bread machine into a soup machine

Turning a bread machine into a soup machine

Porting CP/M to the Agon Light, on an Agon Light

Porting CP/M to the Agon Light, on an Agon Light

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 6/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 6/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 5/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 5/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 4/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 4/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, parts 2/6 and 3/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, parts 2/6 and 3/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 1/6

Writing a 6502 assembler for CP/M-65, part 1/6

Reverse engineering a 1985 IBM keyboard (and building a USB converter for it)

Reverse engineering a 1985 IBM keyboard (and building a USB converter for it)

Changing the channel name

Changing the channel name

The IBM 6780 Quietwriter: teardown and demo

The IBM 6780 Quietwriter: teardown and demo

6502 CP/M: 14/14

6502 CP/M: 14/14

6502 CP/M: 13/14

6502 CP/M: 13/14

6502 CP/M: 12/14

6502 CP/M: 12/14

6502 CP/M: 11/14

6502 CP/M: 11/14

6502 CP/M: 10/14

6502 CP/M: 10/14

6502 CP/M: 9/14

6502 CP/M: 9/14

6502 CP/M: 8/14

6502 CP/M: 8/14

6502 CP/M: 7/14

6502 CP/M: 7/14

6502 CP/M: 6/14

6502 CP/M: 6/14

6502 CP/M: 5/14

6502 CP/M: 5/14

6502 CP/M: 4/14

6502 CP/M: 4/14

6502 CP/M: 3/14

6502 CP/M: 3/14

6502 CP/M: 2/14

6502 CP/M: 2/14

6502 CP/M: 1/14

6502 CP/M: 1/14

Amiga 600 audio system fix: 3/3

Amiga 600 audio system fix: 3/3