Tolkien's Legendarium | Mythology Behind

Tolkien's Legendarium | Mythology Behind "The Lord of the Rings"

Nezha | Third Lotus Prince

Nezha | Third Lotus Prince

Legends of Cities Compilation | NYC, New Orleans, & Chicago!

Legends of Cities Compilation | NYC, New Orleans, & Chicago!

Ganesha | Remover of Obstacles

Ganesha | Remover of Obstacles

Dragons of Mythology | Fire Breathers & Wise Serpents

Dragons of Mythology | Fire Breathers & Wise Serpents

Coyote | Trickster & Shapeshifter

Coyote | Trickster & Shapeshifter

Solar & Lunar Eclipses in Mythology

Solar & Lunar Eclipses in Mythology

Artemis | Lady of the Wilderness

Artemis | Lady of the Wilderness

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Green Man | All-Seeing & Ever-Growing

The Green Man | All-Seeing & Ever-Growing

Vampires of Mythology | From Africa to Australia

Vampires of Mythology | From Africa to Australia

Set | The Bringer of Chaos

Set | The Bringer of Chaos

Legends of Chicago

Legends of Chicago

Qilin | Chinese Beast of Serenity

Qilin | Chinese Beast of Serenity

Tristan & Isolde | A Forbidden Romance

Tristan & Isolde | A Forbidden Romance

Atlantis | The Lost City

Atlantis | The Lost City

Hobbomock | The Sleeping Giant

Hobbomock | The Sleeping Giant

Check out Mythik TCG!

Check out Mythik TCG!

Snakes in Mythology & Folklore

Snakes in Mythology & Folklore

Ogun | The Warrior Orisha

Ogun | The Warrior Orisha

The Kraken | Scourge of the Sea

The Kraken | Scourge of the Sea

The Curse of the Pharaohs

The Curse of the Pharaohs

Mothman | Prowler in the Dark

Mothman | Prowler in the Dark

Jack Frost | Spirit of Winter

Jack Frost | Spirit of Winter

Monsters of Rivers & Lakes

Monsters of Rivers & Lakes

Amarok | The Great Wolf

Amarok | The Great Wolf

Witches | The Legend of Witchcraft

Witches | The Legend of Witchcraft

Ghost Dogs | Barghest, Black Shuck, & More!

Ghost Dogs | Barghest, Black Shuck, & More!

Tikbalang | Man-Horse of the Forest

Tikbalang | Man-Horse of the Forest

Skinwalkers | The Navajo Nightmare

Skinwalkers | The Navajo Nightmare