Don't Trample Little Frogs! ~ Common Toads Migrating from Water

Don't Trample Little Frogs! ~ Common Toads Migrating from Water

I Always Believed Snakes Were Afraid of People...

I Always Believed Snakes Were Afraid of People...

Violet Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa violacea) – A Gentle Giant in Your Garden

Violet Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa violacea) – A Gentle Giant in Your Garden

Daddy Blackbird Swallowing His Chicks' Droppings

Daddy Blackbird Swallowing His Chicks' Droppings

Broad-bodied chaser: Both sexes in one shot

Broad-bodied chaser: Both sexes in one shot

A Graceful Flock of Great Egrets in Flight

A Graceful Flock of Great Egrets in Flight

The Magnificent Blue Emperor – A Massive European Dragonfly

The Magnificent Blue Emperor – A Massive European Dragonfly

Common noctule bat flying out of a tree cavity

Common noctule bat flying out of a tree cavity

Juvenile pygmy owl peeking out of the nest hole

Juvenile pygmy owl peeking out of the nest hole

Black oil beetle – toxic, yet harmless creature

Black oil beetle – toxic, yet harmless creature

Juvenile boreal owl peeking out of the nest hole

Juvenile boreal owl peeking out of the nest hole

Be sure not to bump into the median wasp nest

Be sure not to bump into the median wasp nest

This hairy robber fly is a better dancer than you

This hairy robber fly is a better dancer than you

Giant Flock of Rooks Pre-Roosting in Brno, Czech Republic

Giant Flock of Rooks Pre-Roosting in Brno, Czech Republic

Field Cricket, Carrion Beetle and Poop

Field Cricket, Carrion Beetle and Poop

Field Cricket Chirping Sound – Stridulation

Field Cricket Chirping Sound – Stridulation

European hare tastes a thistle

European hare tastes a thistle

Bird sounds – Great spotted woodpecker drumming

Bird sounds – Great spotted woodpecker drumming

Bird sounds – Grey partridge (Perdix perdix)

Bird sounds – Grey partridge (Perdix perdix)

Rare Wildlife Footage – Black Stork Nesting on the Ground

Rare Wildlife Footage – Black Stork Nesting on the Ground

Flies love the smell of Eurasian pygmy owls!

Flies love the smell of Eurasian pygmy owls!

Rare European insect: Wood-boring beetle Eurythyrea quercus

Rare European insect: Wood-boring beetle Eurythyrea quercus

Red fox in action – Successful vole hunt

Red fox in action – Successful vole hunt

Wild Czechia – My Best Wildlife Encounters of 2023

Wild Czechia – My Best Wildlife Encounters of 2023

Wildlife filmmaking with Panasonic GH6 & S5 II [English subtitles]

Wildlife filmmaking with Panasonic GH6 & S5 II [English subtitles]

Bird sounds – Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)

Bird sounds – Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)

Nature sounds – European frog calls

Nature sounds – European frog calls

Bird sounds – White-spotted bluethroat (Luscinia svecica cyanecula)

Bird sounds – White-spotted bluethroat (Luscinia svecica cyanecula)

Courageous corncrake calling on the road

Courageous corncrake calling on the road

Brown bears tearing roe deer apart

Brown bears tearing roe deer apart