There was another war brewing closer to home.

There was another war brewing closer to home.

You know what is at stake do something.

You know what is at stake do something.

I'm sorry I blew your people straight to Hell.

I'm sorry I blew your people straight to Hell.

They Fired First.

They Fired First.

We Will have a Earth & Centauri Alliance

We Will have a Earth & Centauri Alliance

How can we tell the Innocents form the Troublemakers if you don't make reports.

How can we tell the Innocents form the Troublemakers if you don't make reports.

Your position here will benefit the Nightwatch greatly.

Your position here will benefit the Nightwatch greatly.

A Spider as big as death and twice as ugly.

A Spider as big as death and twice as ugly.

War is Spreading

War is Spreading

We will hold the line no matter the cost.

We will hold the line no matter the cost.

The Centari learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again.

The Centari learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again.

I did not sign the agreement neither did Earth.

I did not sign the agreement neither did Earth.

They're being bombed back to the Stone Age

They're being bombed back to the Stone Age

Pull Back!!!!

Pull Back!!!!

The Mission is too far along to Cancel.

The Mission is too far along to Cancel.

We have Treaties. Ink on a Page.

We have Treaties. Ink on a Page.

The War Does Not Go Well For Us GKar.

The War Does Not Go Well For Us GKar.

You Will Be the Architect of our Victory.

You Will Be the Architect of our Victory.

I will not go down easily or alone.

I will not go down easily or alone.

What Did You See?

What Did You See?

All The First Ones went away except for One.

All The First Ones went away except for One.

The Shadows were old when even the ancients were young

The Shadows were old when even the ancients were young

We are holding him into protective custody.

We are holding him into protective custody.

We Call it the Night Watch.

We Call it the Night Watch.



He is supposed to be Dead.

He is supposed to be Dead.

I've Seen That Guy.He is Alive.

I've Seen That Guy.He is Alive.

Babylon 5 is here to create the peace.

Babylon 5 is here to create the peace.

We must communicate with one another.

We must communicate with one another.

All Civilians to the Shelters.

All Civilians to the Shelters.