Tom Roberts: The Fleet-Footed Fauna

Tom Roberts: The Fleet-Footed Fauna

X-Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology

X-Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology

B-Mode Ultrasound Imaging for Studying Human Muscle Mechanics

B-Mode Ultrasound Imaging for Studying Human Muscle Mechanics

From Machine to Biomimetic Control of Powered Prosthetic Legs

From Machine to Biomimetic Control of Powered Prosthetic Legs

Is Passive Mechanical Assistance Beneficial at Compliant Joints?

Is Passive Mechanical Assistance Beneficial at Compliant Joints?

Arm Swing During Human Walking: Active and Passive Contributions to a Hybrid System

Arm Swing During Human Walking: Active and Passive Contributions to a Hybrid System

Physiological mechanisms underlying precition and optimization of metabolic cost during walking

Physiological mechanisms underlying precition and optimization of metabolic cost during walking

Biomechanical and energetic consequences of walking on uneven terrain

Biomechanical and energetic consequences of walking on uneven terrain

Modeling Benefits of Ankle Elasticity in Walking

Modeling Benefits of Ankle Elasticity in Walking

Active Control of Unsteady Legged Locomotion

Active Control of Unsteady Legged Locomotion

Drift and deadbeat control in the Floquet structure of human running

Drift and deadbeat control in the Floquet structure of human running

Humans exploit the biomechanics of bipedal gait during visually guided walking over rough terrain

Humans exploit the biomechanics of bipedal gait during visually guided walking over rough terrain

TD-SLIP: A Better Predictive Model for Human Running

TD-SLIP: A Better Predictive Model for Human Running

Collision-based analysis of walking versus running in humans

Collision-based analysis of walking versus running in humans

Towards Robust Robotic Running and Steering in 3D Environments

Towards Robust Robotic Running and Steering in 3D Environments

Identification of Feedback Controllers in Locomoting Animals

Identification of Feedback Controllers in Locomoting Animals

A foot placement strategy for the active control of gait stability

A foot placement strategy for the active control of gait stability

Is push-off propulsion the winning strategy for energy efficient gait acceleration?

Is push-off propulsion the winning strategy for energy efficient gait acceleration?

Inverse dynamics with optimal distribution of contact forces for the control of legged robots

Inverse dynamics with optimal distribution of contact forces for the control of legged robots

Parallel Stiffness in Running Robots

Parallel Stiffness in Running Robots

HUME: A Bipedal Robot for Human-Centered Hyper-Agility

HUME: A Bipedal Robot for Human-Centered Hyper-Agility

Stable and versatile bipedal locomotion using Real Time Model Predictive Control

Stable and versatile bipedal locomotion using Real Time Model Predictive Control

Conceptual models for real locomotion - can we bridge the gap?

Conceptual models for real locomotion - can we bridge the gap?

Robotic Assistance for Human Balance

Robotic Assistance for Human Balance

Passive Elastic Exoskeleton Reduces Metabolic Cost of Walking

Passive Elastic Exoskeleton Reduces Metabolic Cost of Walking

The Effects of Wearing a Spring-Loaded Ankle Exoskeleton

The Effects of Wearing a Spring-Loaded Ankle Exoskeleton

Targeting specific muscles for rehabilitation withan EMG-controlled ankle-foot orthosis

Targeting specific muscles for rehabilitation withan EMG-controlled ankle-foot orthosis

Towards Dynamic Walking in Musculoskeletal Simulation

Towards Dynamic Walking in Musculoskeletal Simulation

Energetics and stability of human locomotion

Energetics and stability of human locomotion

Effects of Hip Torque and Leg Damping on the Stability of Locomotion

Effects of Hip Torque and Leg Damping on the Stability of Locomotion