Jessie & James being the REAL Protagonists

Jessie & James being the REAL Protagonists

perfectly cut pokemon screams

perfectly cut pokemon screams

jessie & james being the *cutest* criminals

jessie & james being the *cutest* criminals

james eats a hot dog for 1 hour

james eats a hot dog for 1 hour

"Have we met before?"

Gary Oak being a chad

Gary Oak being a chad

jessie moments that make me high as a kite

jessie moments that make me high as a kite

Clemont & James being an underrated duo

Clemont & James being an underrated duo

Meowth Being an Icon for 4 minutes

Meowth Being an Icon for 4 minutes

james being the best character for 7 more minutes

james being the best character for 7 more minutes

pokemon, but it's REALLY uncomfortable.

pokemon, but it's REALLY uncomfortable.

Jessie & James being a couple for 4+ minutes

Jessie & James being a couple for 4+ minutes

I Ruined This James Episode

I Ruined This James Episode

This Pokémon Episode is Wild.

This Pokémon Episode is Wild.

james out of context

james out of context

Every Time Ash Was Dumb. (Season 1)

Every Time Ash Was Dumb. (Season 1)

jessie being extra for 4 minutes straight

jessie being extra for 4 minutes straight


The "Flaming James" Episode.

James Walk

James Walk

James Finally Snaps

James Finally Snaps

This is a Real Pokémon Episode.

This is a Real Pokémon Episode.

james being the best character | sequel

james being the best character | sequel

james' fiance being insane/abusive

james' fiance being insane/abusive

james' voice actor chokes

james' voice actor chokes

brock being a simp for 6 minutes and 35 seconds straight

brock being a simp for 6 minutes and 35 seconds straight

Serena throws a nade

Serena throws a nade

james being the best character for 6 minutes and 14 seconds straight

james being the best character for 6 minutes and 14 seconds straight

goh watching team rocket get fat then die

goh watching team rocket get fat then die