Portage Guide (Children)

Portage Guide (Children)

Autism Test

Autism Test

Administration of House Tree Person Test | Part-1

Administration of House Tree Person Test | Part-1

Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety

Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety

Venderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale

Venderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale

Emotional Regulation Questionnaire

Emotional Regulation Questionnaire

OCD Test (Yale Brown OCD Scale)

OCD Test (Yale Brown OCD Scale)

Interpretation of DASS-21

Interpretation of DASS-21

Conduct disorder rating scale -parent version

Conduct disorder rating scale -parent version

ADHD Evaluation tool_Health Provider Version (Assessment)

ADHD Evaluation tool_Health Provider Version (Assessment)

Interpretation of GAD-7

Interpretation of GAD-7

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

The Penn State Worry Questionnaire

The Penn State Worry Questionnaire

Drug abuse screening test (DAST-10)

Drug abuse screening test (DAST-10)

Conduct disorder rating scale- teacher version

Conduct disorder rating scale- teacher version

ADHD Checklist

ADHD Checklist

Chi Square Test Demonstration

Chi Square Test Demonstration

Chi Square Test Demonstration

Chi Square Test Demonstration

Introduction to the RISB | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to the RISB | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of 16 PF | Sixteen Personality Factors | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of 16 PF | Sixteen Personality Factors | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Beck Anxiety Inventory | BAI | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Beck Anxiety Inventory | BAI | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of Benders Gestalt Test | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of Benders Gestalt Test | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Beck Depression Inventory | BDI | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Beck Depression Inventory | BDI | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of Good-enough Harris Drawing Test | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of Good-enough Harris Drawing Test | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Gordon Occupational Check List | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Gordon Occupational Check List | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Good-enough Harris-Drawing Test | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Good-enough Harris-Drawing Test | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of the MMPI | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory | Psychological Testing |

Interpretation of the MMPI | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Bender Gestalt Test | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to Bender Gestalt Test | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to the Mooney Problem Check List | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to the Mooney Problem Check List | Psychological Testing |

Introduction to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory |MMPI | Testing and Assessment

Introduction to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory |MMPI | Testing and Assessment