Prager Universe

Prager Universe

Prager And Pals

Prager And Pals

Prager Unleashed

Prager Unleashed

Prager Kong Country

Prager Kong Country

🅱️ennis 🅱️rager Destroys America

🅱️ennis 🅱️rager Destroys America

Manchildren Discussing Politics

Manchildren Discussing Politics

Dennis Prager Reloaded

Dennis Prager Reloaded

The Pitbull Question

The Pitbull Question

I made this while I was editing and have nothing to do with it but I'm uploading it anyway

I made this while I was editing and have nothing to do with it but I'm uploading it anyway

The Steven Universe Movie is exactly as bad as the show

The Steven Universe Movie is exactly as bad as the show

50K Subs so pick a topic again

50K Subs so pick a topic again

Steven Universe fans genius comments

Steven Universe fans genius comments

Always Sunny In Canada

Always Sunny In Canada

Black Pander

Black Pander

Idiot Wars

Idiot Wars



I'm sick of listening to youtubers whine about demonetization (rant)

I'm sick of listening to youtubers whine about demonetization (rant)

I interviewed someone who got blacklisted from animation and they told me some stuff

I interviewed someone who got blacklisted from animation and they told me some stuff

I watched

I watched "Star Vs The Forces of Evil" and it has some problems

My 600 lb Life (but with tuba music)

My 600 lb Life (but with tuba music)

10k subscriber special - You decide what my next video will be about

10k subscriber special - You decide what my next video will be about

How does feminism help men?

How does feminism help men?

Maddox's friends didn't like my video -

Maddox's friends didn't like my video - "Retractions"

Logan Paul and why y'all should stop snitching (rant)

Logan Paul and why y'all should stop snitching (rant)

The Rise and Fall of Maddox the Loser

The Rise and Fall of Maddox the Loser

THEY PUT MY RWBY VIDEO BACK UP! (But you can't see it -_-)

THEY PUT MY RWBY VIDEO BACK UP! (But you can't see it -_-)

It must suck to be Hillary Clinton

It must suck to be Hillary Clinton

They took down my RWBY video ;_;

They took down my RWBY video ;_;

RWBY is bad

RWBY is bad

Rick and Morty is Overrated and its Fans are Idiots (The creators are also trash)

Rick and Morty is Overrated and its Fans are Idiots (The creators are also trash)