Hacked together IDEX with 5 controller boards.

Hacked together IDEX with 5 controller boards.

Five bar scara agility and speed

Five bar scara agility and speed

Five Bar Parallel Scara, work mode 4

Five Bar Parallel Scara, work mode 4

Five Bar Parallel Scara, v2

Five Bar Parallel Scara, v2

More quadruped obstacle courses and climbing

More quadruped obstacle courses and climbing

Quadruped walking an obstacle course

Quadruped walking an obstacle course

Robot walking around

Robot walking around

First Steps

First Steps

Five bar robot leg

Five bar robot leg

Speed 300mm/s, acceleration 12000 mm/s/s

Speed 300mm/s, acceleration 12000 mm/s/s

A wonky little five bar scara to test different work modes

A wonky little five bar scara to test different work modes

5-bar scara printing

5-bar scara printing

First print on the 5-bar scara

First print on the 5-bar scara

Speed test of the parallel scara arm

Speed test of the parallel scara arm

First moves of my five-bar parallel robot (parallel scara)

First moves of my five-bar parallel robot (parallel scara)