Hollywood Scores & Soundtracks: What Do They Sound Like? Do They Sound Like Things?? Let's Find Out!

Hollywood Scores & Soundtracks: What Do They Sound Like? Do They Sound Like Things?? Let's Find Out!

The Marvel Symphonic Universe

The Marvel Symphonic Universe

How Does an Editor Think and Feel?

How Does an Editor Think and Feel?

Joel & Ethan Coen - Shot | Reverse Shot

Joel & Ethan Coen - Shot | Reverse Shot

Memories of Murder (2003) - Ensemble Staging

Memories of Murder (2003) - Ensemble Staging

Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag

Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag

Vancouver Never Plays Itself

Vancouver Never Plays Itself

Chuck Jones - The Evolution of an Artist

Chuck Jones - The Evolution of an Artist

In Praise of Chairs

In Praise of Chairs

Lynne Ramsay - The Poetry of Details

Lynne Ramsay - The Poetry of Details

F for Fake (1973) - How to Structure a Video Essay

F for Fake (1973) - How to Structure a Video Essay

Akira Kurosawa - Composing Movement

Akira Kurosawa - Composing Movement

Drive (2011) - The Quadrant System

Drive (2011) - The Quadrant System

The Bad Sleep Well (1960) - The Geometry of a Scene

The Bad Sleep Well (1960) - The Geometry of a Scene

Jackie Chan - How to Do Action Comedy

Jackie Chan - How to Do Action Comedy

Snowpiercer - Left or Right

Snowpiercer - Left or Right

The Silence of the Lambs - Who Wins the Scene?

The Silence of the Lambs - Who Wins the Scene?

David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong

David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong

Robin Williams - In Motion

Robin Williams - In Motion

A Brief Look at Texting and the Internet in Film

A Brief Look at Texting and the Internet in Film

Satoshi Kon - Editing Space & Time

Satoshi Kon - Editing Space & Time

Michael Bay - What is Bayhem?

Michael Bay - What is Bayhem?

Martin Scorsese - The Art of Silence

Martin Scorsese - The Art of Silence

Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy

Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy

Wolf Children (2012) - The Lateral Tracking Shot

Wolf Children (2012) - The Lateral Tracking Shot

The Spielberg Oner

The Spielberg Oner

The Imposter (2012) - Looking into the Lens

The Imposter (2012) - Looking into the Lens

Mother (2009) - The Telephoto Profile Shot

Mother (2009) - The Telephoto Profile Shot