Artificial Capture Spiral Silk

Artificial Capture Spiral Silk

Spider catching prey

Spider catching prey

Electrostatic properties of spider webs

Electrostatic properties of spider webs

Wind applied perpendicular to a Garden Spider's Orb Web modelled in DYNA3D

Wind applied perpendicular to a Garden Spider's Orb Web modelled in DYNA3D

Insect Impact on Garden Spider's Orb Web modelled with DYNA3D

Insect Impact on Garden Spider's Orb Web modelled with DYNA3D

Structural Analysis of a Garden Spider's Orb Web using non-linear DYNA3D

Structural Analysis of a Garden Spider's Orb Web using non-linear DYNA3D

Spider Silk Harvesting

Spider Silk Harvesting

Reeling Wild Silk: Gonometa postica

Reeling Wild Silk: Gonometa postica

A poisonous surprise under the coat of the African crested rat

A poisonous surprise under the coat of the African crested rat