Renowned Food Blogger/Stylist Betsy Haley- "The Hidden Art of Food Styling"

TX ACLU's Terri Burke

TX ACLU's Terri Burke "Whose speech is the right speech?"

Rev. Dr. Kenyatta Gilbert

Rev. Dr. Kenyatta Gilbert "Black Prophets Before and Beyond King"

Friday Lecture Series - Dr. Jay Rosen, NYU Journalism -

Friday Lecture Series - Dr. Jay Rosen, NYU Journalism - "Restoring Trust in the American Press"

Friday Lecture Series: Dean Pamela Matthews -

Friday Lecture Series: Dean Pamela Matthews - "More Perfect Union"

Dr. Wendy Moore

Dr. Wendy Moore "Challenging the Right to be Racist on Campus"

Friday Lecture Series: Dr. A. Mechele Dickerson - “The Neglected Middle Class”

Friday Lecture Series: Dr. A. Mechele Dickerson - “The Neglected Middle Class”

Dr. Leroy Dorsey

Dr. Leroy Dorsey "US Presidents as Story Tellers: Telling the Myth of the American Dream”"

Workshop Wednesday: Fact-Checking with Dr. Jennifer Mercieca

Workshop Wednesday: Fact-Checking with Dr. Jennifer Mercieca

Friday Lecture Series: Cheryl Newcomb - “Those 45 Words: The Challenges of the 1st Amendment.”

Friday Lecture Series: Cheryl Newcomb - “Those 45 Words: The Challenges of the 1st Amendment.”

Dr. Michael Shaw

Dr. Michael Shaw "Campaign '16 Reading the Pictures"

Dr. Jennifer Mercieca-

Dr. Jennifer Mercieca- "Engaged Citizens Fact Checking Workshop"

Municipal Court Judge Ed Spillane-

Municipal Court Judge Ed Spillane- "Lessons from Ferguson: Why I Refuse to Send People to Jail"

Kirby Godiel-

Kirby Godiel- "Campaign and Elections Advertisement Watch"

Tom DeFrank-

Tom DeFrank- "The 50 Year Old Tale about the Battalion and TAMU President Rudder"

Judge John Deitz-

Judge John Deitz- "Texas Public Education as a Governmental Function"

Texas Political Consultant Garry Brown on Campaign Finance

Texas Political Consultant Garry Brown on Campaign Finance

Dr. Nancy Plankey Videla-

Dr. Nancy Plankey Videla-"Deportability and Everyday Life"

Dr. Justin Vaughn-

Dr. Justin Vaughn- "Presidential Greatness Explained"

Dr. Lisa Flores-

Dr. Lisa Flores- "Citizen made Alien: Gender, Race, & Violence in the Politics of War"

Fellow of the Roosevelt Institute Mike Konczal-

Fellow of the Roosevelt Institute Mike Konczal- "Let's Re-imagine the Rules"

Award-Winning Journalist Tom DeFrank-

Award-Winning Journalist Tom DeFrank- "Presidential Personalities"

Aggie Agora Engaged Citizenship Fact-Check Workshop, Dr. Jennifer Mercieca

Aggie Agora Engaged Citizenship Fact-Check Workshop, Dr. Jennifer Mercieca

ACLU TX Executive Director Terri Burke- The History of ACLU and Defending Civil Liberties

ACLU TX Executive Director Terri Burke- The History of ACLU and Defending Civil Liberties

Dr. Sarah Gatson-

Dr. Sarah Gatson- "Ways of Ensuring that Everybody Eats"

Dr. Amy Earhart Millican

Dr. Amy Earhart Millican "Riot: 1868 In the Age of the Black Lives Matter Movement"

Dr. Joseph Ura's Constitution Day Lecture:

Dr. Joseph Ura's Constitution Day Lecture: "A Layman's Document, Not a Lawyer's Contract"

Stanford's Senior Public Affairs Official David Demarest-

Stanford's Senior Public Affairs Official David Demarest- "A Conversation about Strategy"

Coffee Hour with Dr. Arvind Singhal-

Coffee Hour with Dr. Arvind Singhal- "Positive Deviance"

Dr. Jennifer Mercieca-

Dr. Jennifer Mercieca- "Democratic Citizens as Heroes"