It's What You're NOT Saying That's Keeping You Stuck

It's What You're NOT Saying That's Keeping You Stuck

If people tell you

If people tell you "YOU'RE TOO MUCH" tell them to go find LESS | Quit shrinking for them

No, You Are Not Going Crazy, You're Spiritual Gifted | Trust What You KNOW!

No, You Are Not Going Crazy, You're Spiritual Gifted | Trust What You KNOW!

Tired of your EXPLOSIVE ANGER? Time for shadow work | Your anger is VALID!

Tired of your EXPLOSIVE ANGER? Time for shadow work | Your anger is VALID!

You are NOT responsible for their feelings... THEY ARE | Allowing others to feel low vibe feelings

You are NOT responsible for their feelings... THEY ARE | Allowing others to feel low vibe feelings

You are extremely uncomfortable receiving LOVE | Integrating the worthiness wound, you are DESERVING

You are extremely uncomfortable receiving LOVE | Integrating the worthiness wound, you are DESERVING

You Cannot Hide Your Feelings Anymore | Everything is being PURGED

You Cannot Hide Your Feelings Anymore | Everything is being PURGED

Suppressed Emotions & Feeling Numb Towards My Inner Child And Traumatic Experiences

Suppressed Emotions & Feeling Numb Towards My Inner Child And Traumatic Experiences

Do you feel dismissive and numb to your own pain? Watch this

Do you feel dismissive and numb to your own pain? Watch this

Shadow work | PROJECTION | Why we do it, and how to heal

Shadow work | PROJECTION | Why we do it, and how to heal

You have to set boundaries with your family | Breaking cycles requires you to do something DIFFERENT

You have to set boundaries with your family | Breaking cycles requires you to do something DIFFERENT

I abandoned myself so they wouldn’t abandon me | the abandonment wound

I abandoned myself so they wouldn’t abandon me | the abandonment wound

Healing the Mother Wound | Meet my mom | A boomer's perspective on trauma and healing

Healing the Mother Wound | Meet my mom | A boomer's perspective on trauma and healing

You have so much anger and rage but you hide it behind that smile | shadow work for anger

You have so much anger and rage but you hide it behind that smile | shadow work for anger

How I integrated SHAME | Learn how to do Shadow Work

How I integrated SHAME | Learn how to do Shadow Work

How to stop TRANSFERRING low vibe energy and start TRANSMUTING it instead!

How to stop TRANSFERRING low vibe energy and start TRANSMUTING it instead!

You are making a CONSCIOUS decision to stay low vibrational | making better decisions is crucial!

You are making a CONSCIOUS decision to stay low vibrational | making better decisions is crucial!

Ready to embody true CONFIDENCE? (watch this) My 5 A Method for integrating your shadows!

Ready to embody true CONFIDENCE? (watch this) My 5 A Method for integrating your shadows!

Now that you KNOW better you have to start DOING better | You must integrate the wisdom!

Now that you KNOW better you have to start DOING better | You must integrate the wisdom!

Are you exhausted from seeking validation? You may have the shadow of DEPENDENCY!

Are you exhausted from seeking validation? You may have the shadow of DEPENDENCY!

Your Divine Counterpart is coming in! Union is here bc you have come into union within yourself!

Your Divine Counterpart is coming in! Union is here bc you have come into union within yourself!

Tired of feeling insecure? It's time for SHADOW WORK! What are your shadows and how to heal them!

Tired of feeling insecure? It's time for SHADOW WORK! What are your shadows and how to heal them!

90 days sober from cannabis!!! How do I feel?

90 days sober from cannabis!!! How do I feel?

You don't have to show up scared and anxious anymore! Break the pattern of behaviour!

You don't have to show up scared and anxious anymore! Break the pattern of behaviour!

Stop giving up so easily when it comes to learning something new | you can do hard things

Stop giving up so easily when it comes to learning something new | you can do hard things

This secret has been weighing on you and it's time to get it off your chest | Full Moon Message

This secret has been weighing on you and it's time to get it off your chest | Full Moon Message

Why do you require ACTION over WORDS for everyone else but yourself? | It's time to walk the walk

Why do you require ACTION over WORDS for everyone else but yourself? | It's time to walk the walk

At some point you MUST forgive them | Your peace depends on it | Break the cycle and rise above!

At some point you MUST forgive them | Your peace depends on it | Break the cycle and rise above!

Meet people where they're at or go a different direction | Radical acceptance will set you free

Meet people where they're at or go a different direction | Radical acceptance will set you free

How I became CONFIDENT by acknowledging my insecurities | WHY SHADOW WORK is a MUST!

How I became CONFIDENT by acknowledging my insecurities | WHY SHADOW WORK is a MUST!