Releasing pelvic floor part 2

Releasing pelvic floor part 2

Big help with releasing pelvic floor with the TENS unit part 1

Big help with releasing pelvic floor with the TENS unit part 1

How to use the pelvic floor wand for post vasectomy pain

How to use the pelvic floor wand for post vasectomy pain

What happened to me after vasectomy, and what could’ve happened to you

What happened to me after vasectomy, and what could’ve happened to you

How to help abdominal pain and digestive issues after vasectomy

How to help abdominal pain and digestive issues after vasectomy

Stretches for post vasectomy pain

Stretches for post vasectomy pain

How and why to use a cane to help with PVPS leg pain/ pain while walking

How and why to use a cane to help with PVPS leg pain/ pain while walking

How I got rid of my Post Vasectomy Pain in three steps

How I got rid of my Post Vasectomy Pain in three steps